Chapter 5

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(So I am going to do an Ennoshita POV for this chapter so this is after Tanaka put the gifts on Ennoshita's desk)

Ennoshita POV:  

I walk into my classroom and everyone is looking at me. I start walking to my desk when I realize why everyone was looking at me. I had flowers and a gift card packaged with a note. The note reads

"Dear, Ennoshita

I am giving you these gifts because I realize I have a crush on you. You are so cute, I can't get over it. Your smile makes me blush. Another reason I am giving you this is to see you smile. I hope you like these gifts


Your Secret Admirer."  

I have a secret admirer? Who could it be? What if it's Tanaka! I can't get ahead of myself, he likes Kiyoko. I look back down at the gift and a big grin appears on my face. I can't believe someone actually cares about me. After class I go to put the flowers in my locker. I look at the note again and blush, this person is so sweet. I get my lunch and go to talk to Nishinoya, Narita, Kinoshita, and Tanaka. 

"Guys something really weird happened today." I say, my cheeks slightly red. 

"Ooooooh you're blushing." Noya teases. He looks at Tanaka who for some reason is blushing. 

"So what happened?" Narita asks.

"Well...I have a secret admirer." I reply, looking to the side.

"Oooooooooh!" Nishinoya, Narita, and Kinoshita all say in sync. Tanaka doesn't say anything, he is just sitting there blushing. Why is he blushing? They all look at Tanaka, he gets even more flustered, 

"I-I got t-to got to t-the b-bathroom." he says getting up quickly.

"So who do you you think it is?" Kinoshita asks. 

"I actually don't know." I say, nervously. 

"But do you have a crush?" Nishinoya asks smirking. My face goes red,

"Uh-w-well..." I stutter. 

"Who is it!?" Kinoshita asks intrigued. I don't say anything. I can't I am too flustered. 

"How about you give us hints." Narita says, nicely. 

"O-okay." I reply, still flustered. 

"What is their gender?" the small libero asks. 

"He is a g-guy." 

"What year?" Narita asks

"Second year also."

"Are they in the volleyball club?" Noya asks 


"Shorter or taller?" Kinoshita asks

"Like the same height." 

"Hair color?" Narita asks. My eyes widen, I don't know what to say. 

"T-that will give it away." I say trying not to make eye contact. 

"That's the point." Nishinoya says acting sassy. 

"H-he-he has no hair!" I yell, blushing. 

"Oh my god it is Tanaka!" they all yell

"Shut up!" I yell back not wanting anyone else to know. 

"I actually have something to show you." the number 4 says, suspiciously. He shows me a picture of Tanaka, making a heart with his hands, and winking. That picture makes me blush so I cover my my face. 

"Ennoshita, we should hang out at your house!" Kinoshita says with a smile on his face. 

"Uh s-sure." I say smiling back. 

After school I go to the store to get some snacks. A guy comes up behind me and grabs my waist,

"P-please let go." I say nervously. 

"How about you come to my apartment and we... well you know." he says gripping my waist tighter. 

"I-I am o-only a t-teenager." I say trying to get free of his grip. 

"So?" he says. He must be drunk. I start to cry. 

"S-someone! Please he-!" he covers my mouth before I could finish my cry for help. He tries to drag me to his car. I cry and scream more but they are muffled. I finally get free from his grasp and I run home. Tears continue to stream down my face. I get to my house and run inside. I am still shocked so I lie in a fetal position on my couch. About 5 minutes later the doorbell rings, I open it to see the 4 other second years. 

"E-Ennoshita are you okay?" Kinoshita asks concerned. I start crying more, they all run to hug me. They all walk me to the couch. 

"What happened!?" Tanaka asks 

"A-a guy at t-the s-store tried t-to take m-me to h-his a-apartment." I cry. 

"I luckily got away before he could get me to his car." 

"Luckily you are okay." the bald number 5 says. I start to feel his arms wrap around my chest. Being in his arms is, comforting. I lean my head on his chest,

"If you need to cry more I won't judge." he says, rubbing my back. I grab onto his shirt and start to cry more,

"I was so scared, I thought something bad was going to happen!" He continues to rub my back which makes me start to close my eyes. I feel him smell my hair but I don't care, I just want to stay in this moment. 

Tanaka POV: 

Ennoshita fell asleep in my chest and everyone else went into the kitchen. I don't know what to do. I want to kiss him so bad. I look down at his sleeping body, I blush, he looks so cute. He starts to snore a little. My face becomes even more red. I panic, now he really is asleep. 

"Guys?" I say, not wanting to wake the cute black haired boy up. Maybe I should just go to sleep. I lay down slowly trying not to wake Ennoshita. He was still right up against my chest so I put my arm around him. I wish we could be like this all the time. 

Authors note: I know I did not wait to see if more people wanted an Ennoshita POV but I could not wait to write this so yeah

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