chapter 1

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Sarah's pov

The one thing I hate more than failing a class or being punished, is being woken up on a Monday morning by my 'precious' mother because it means that I'm either late for school or about to be late for school or something in general and I hate being late.

But I guess today was one of those days because I am being woken up by my mom's voice

"Sarah get up right now! It's time for school" my mom yelled from downstairs, making me jolt up from my peaceful and beautiful slumber

"But mom it's barely... " I searched  for my alarm clock to check the time

"... Jesus Christ!! It's 7:30am! Mom,  why didn't you wake me up earlier" I yelled since she was downstairs, I'm guessing in the kitchen

"Stop raising your voice, it's not lady-like" practically yelling back at me

I rolled my eyes but didn't comment because that would just make matters worse

I rushed to the bathroom and came out in two minutes, No cap.  I quickly wore my uniform mentally thanking my elder sister for getting them ready for me the day before...

My school uniform consisted of a black skirt and a cream top,  I know not very original or unique but at least it gives us girls the opportunity to put on whatever skirt we want and most girls use it to their advantage, but, before you ask I'm not most girls my skirt is normal length

As for the boys uniform in my school, well they kinda had to make it compulsory for them to wear the school's trousers or 'pants' as people like to call it  only, because, some people like to take a little too much advantage of their privileges or freedom...

 To give you a clear picture,  some boys started wearing ripped Jeans with that chain stuff they usually hang on their belt hooks to school as uniforms and the school authorities had to take actions against it.

Anyway, I finished all my dressing and whatever in 5mins flat, all I needed to do for my hair was comb it. I have a naturally soft and easy to maintain hair and I'm also in into natural looks ,that is,zero make-up, so running downstairs  after seven minutes of being woken up was no big deal. Even though I might have broken a record or something

But What can I say I'm a simple but capable girl. This is me tooting my own horn, you know...

Anyway I ran down the stairs or more like skidded down the stairs taking it like three at a time

"Sarah do not run down the stairs you might fall down and totally disfigure a part of your body and no one will marry you"my mom said when she heard me running

If you haven't notice my Mom is very dramatic, she is also into the prim and proper stuff and lets not forget her superstitions

I remember the day some of my friends came over to watch a movie. A friend of mine stepped over me to take the remote control... After they left me mom gave a lecture on how people crossing over you is bad because your future kids will look like them and what if the person that crossed over you is not good looking?

When I heard that I burst out laughing saying"Mom that sounds so silly!"

She got so mad and gave me the silent treatment for a week telling anyone that cared to ask that I called her names. My dad knew she was being dramatic but told me to apologize anyway just for peace to reign. I did that and she immediately went back to talking to me because really it's hard for her to avoid or not talk to people.

So hearing her tell me that, I decided, for the second time this morning, it was safer to silently roll my eyes and continue what I was doing.

My school's assembly starts by 8:00am, it's also a 4-5mins bus ride to school and it's currently 7:38am so, technically I'm not late to school but I'm late for the prefects meeting at my school which is scheduled at 7:45 and I'm the senior prefect girl of my school which makes it compulsory for me to be there on time so... I need to move!

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