"We're here," Bruce's voice brought you back to reality. You stood with him in what looked to be a gym, a large window opposite to the door let you see the stars much better than before. Lockers lined the furthest wall and there were a multitude of different weapons hung on the wall. Mainly fake swords, and things that would only leave a couple of bruises when training.

"And what're we doing here?" You asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Sparring," Bruce said walking out into the middle of the room, "you get to choose how we fight, and if you win I take off my shirt."

"And what happens if I lose," you asked crossing your arms.

"If you lose you drop the whole Batman thing and we go back to watching movies,"

"Deal," you said admiring the weapons on the wall. You grabbed an épée (picture of an épée shown above,) off the wall and felt it in your hand, after deciding that it was the right weight you turned to Bruce. "You have any fencing* gear I can borrow?"

Without saying a word Bruce opened a locker and threw you a fencing helmet. "You can find the rest of your gear in this locker, it should the right size."

You got into your gear and sure enough, it was just the right size. Once you were ready you walked over to a mat in the center of the gym. It had a black line of tape in the center and you stood at the end nearest to the lockers. You took a deep breath and stood in position, dominant leg and arm forward, arm fully extended with sword in hand. Non-dominant arm and leg behind you, arm bent upwards at the elbow.

Bruce stood at the other end of the mat. "First to ten wins," he said before giving a 3, 2, 1, signal with his fingers. At one, you lunged forward. Bruce was better than you'd expected but you didn't spend your college years training for nothing. You could nearly hear your coach's voice in your head "parry! Riposte!" That training had been drilled into you, you couldn't forget it if you tried, block your opponent's attack before attacking yourself. As your coach would always remind you "there's no point in blocking your opponent if you can't prevent another attack coming directly after the first." Bruce got in a couple of hits before you got into the groove of things, but this didn't detour you. In fact, it only made you more determined to win.

You took off your helmet, sweat dripped down your forehead, tucking it under your arm, "Ten to nine, good game," you said holding out a hand to Bruce.

"It's been a while since anyone's been able to beat me," Bruce said shaking your hand.

You smiled and started walking towards the lockers to put away your gear. Once you'd taken off all your gear you stood with your sword still in your hand. "Dear sir I do believe you've got something left to do," you said trying to sound proper while holding your sword out in front of the door when you noticed Bruce trying to leave.

"Okay, I did lose so I guess I have to hold up my end of the deal," Bruce said backing away from the door. He started to take his shirt off and your suspicions were confirmed. White bandages wrapped around his torso with faint red peeking through on the right side.

"So, Bruce Wayne is Batman. Can't say I would've guessed that before today," you said a little awe-stricken.

"Good to know the secret identity is working," He said pulling his shirt back down. "Now come on, I've got something to show you,"

"Is it the Batmobile? Because I'd love to drive around in that thing some more."

"Better than that," Bruce said gesturing for you to follow him into the hallway. You followed him into the library and he stopped in front of a large grandfather clock. You didn't noticed this clock earlier but it was BIG, a little taller than Bruce and just as wide.

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