Batman day Oneshot

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A/N: This isn't part of the main story, It's just a little one-shot for Batman day. Hope you enjoy it!

Quick backstory before we start,

Hero Name: Noir

You've been a hero for 3 years, before that you were a jewel thief, nabbing shiny rocks whenever you needed an extra buck. You had your fair share of run-ins with Batman. It started out with you just kicking and scratching to get what you needed, but slowly it became more like a game. You started leaving clues for Batman, you became more elaborate. You noticed yourself getting upset whenever Batman wasn't the one who came to defeat you, often running away when someone like Nightwing or Red Hood would show up. Eventually, you realized that it wasn't the crime that you were enamored with, it was Batman. You turned away from crime and started being more heroic. Now, three years later you had a shiny diamond ring to show for it, you didn't even have to steal this one.


You were sitting on a gargoyle when you got the call. Bruce's modified voice crackled in your ears "Noir, Wayne tower, two minutes,"

"I'll be there in one," you responded shooting your grappling hook.

You'd never get tired of swinging through the city, it was always so invigorating to fly through the air. True to your word, you were sitting on the western gargoyle of the Wayne Tower no later than 60 seconds after Bruce'd stopped talking. You looked out over the Gotham skyline it never failed to amaze you. It was particularly amazing ontop of Wayne tower. All the little lights below you were like glimmering jewels.

"You know you should really ditch the cape, it gives you away," you said turning around to see Batman in all of his mysterious glory.

"Helps me glide," he said walking over to you. Once he was close enough you greeted him with a kiss on the cheek.

"How's patrol?" you asked,

"That's what I came to ask you about," he paused, "there's been a string of theft, mainly jewelry,"

"And you think I did it?" you said dramatically placing a hand on your heart, "no trust in your beloved spouse, I'm appalled," you dramatically put the back of your hand to your forehead and fell back onto the gargoyle.

"I don't think you did it but I think it's someone impersonating you," he said tossing you a small coin.

Examining the coin you laughed, "this is a damn good copy," you said flipping over your signature calling card from your villain days, "I wonder who made it?"

"That's the thing," Batman said in a tone even more serious than usual that caught you off guard, "It's not a copy, I compared it with one I had in storage and it's nearly identical,"

"Oooh, you kept them?" you asked glossing over Batman's earlier comments, "I'm embarrassed, if I knew you were keeping them I would've made them look nicer. And maybe explode. But I was a villain what can I say?"

"You're not concerned?" he asked,

"Why would I be?" you said, once more lying down ontop the gargoyle, "I have one of Gotham's best detective's on the case, you'll find them eventually and that'll be it,"

"I want you to help me with this one," he said,

"Why?" you asked sitting up, brows furrowed, "You typically ask me for help when you need extra muscle or something, but never detective work."

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