The first elimination

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        You stared at the German Shepard curled up on your bed, it seemed to be asleep so you went into your closet and changed into some pajamas. When you came back the dog was still asleep. You figured that if the dog was in Wayne Manor it should be relatively friendly so you went up to it. You sat next to it, finding a bright red collar around its neck. On the collar, you found a single tag with the name "Ace" written on it in squiggly letters.

"Well then Ace, how'd you find yourself in my room?" you said petting the dog.

"He must've wandered in here when I wasn't looking," you heard a voice coming from your doorway. Looking over you saw a slender man with messy black hair leaning against the doorframe, arms crossed. You recognized him but you couldn't remember his name. "I'm Dick Grayson," he said seeing the confusion on your face. You Instantly realized who was standing in your doorway. Bruce Wayne's ward, you knew that Bruce had taken him in when he was a small child but you could barely remember why. Something about him being in a tragic accident and being orphaned because of it.

"Oh, is this your dog?" you asked still petting Ace.

"Oh no, if anything Ace is Damian's dog. Bruce asked me to look after Damian for the first couple weeks of the competition," Dick said walking over and sitting on the bed. He too began petting Ace, "He must've snuck away when I was getting Titus into the car,"

"Who's Titus?" you asked.

"Damian's other dog, Ace is a good dog but he's an old dog, Bruce got him when I was still living here. Bruce got Titus for Damian not too long ago and damn, that kid love's that dog." Ace started to stir but stayed on the bed, "He just loves animals in general, he insisted that we take Alfred with us if he was going to be away for more than a week,"

"Alfred?" you said tilting your head, "the butler?"

Dick let out a laugh, "Oh, no, no, Damian named his cat Alfred,"

"Why'd he name the cat that?" you asked,

"No clue," Dick said, "Probably after Alfred the butler, but I never confirmed that with him."

"You said you were looking after Damian, do you live in Gotham?" You asked,

"No, I live over in Bludhaven," Dick said standing up and lightly tapping his leg, signaling Ace to follow him, "I'll be off then. It's late, you should get some sleep," He said walking out, Ace happily following him.

You laid down on your bed, you were so comfortable that the thought of shifting around to get more comfortable never crossed your mind. You were asleep in less than a minute. You had an odd dream, you were standing with the other contestants. You didn't recognize who you were standing with but you knew they were the other contestants. Bruce stood in front of everyone with a comically large envelope in hand.

"Today, I will reveal who I think is The One," he said beginning to open the envelope. You watched as his face morphed into the thug you'd faced roughly a week ago. Nobody around you seemed to notice so you assumed that it was just you. You soon realized that it was not just you. As the Thug pulled the paper out of the envelope you watched in horror as he revealed a gun.

You tried to run away, to no avail, your legs were stuck in place so you merely closed your eyes. You closed your eyes as tight as you could, hoping to wake up.


At the loud noise, you woke up. Your heart was racing and you took a couple deep breaths in an attempt to calm down.

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