Once you'd patched Batman up you offered him some of your painkillers, he declined but opted to take a pill from his utility belt. "Should I be expecting more late-night medical emergencies?" you asked sitting at your desk.

"No," he said starting to get up,

"Wow, was my amateur medical assistance not up to your expectations?" you said putting your hand on your chest and pretending to be shocked.

"You did fine," he said, "I shouldn't need emergency medical attention next time" he got up and walked away just as dramatically as he always did.

You might've followed him if he didn't close the door as he left. It felt wrong to open the door, besides you were pretty sure even if you opened the door he wouldn't be there anymore. Now you faced the task of getting the blood off your bedding. You searched through your closet and found a spare comforter that you thought would suffice.

Luckily only the comforter got blood on it. You folded up the comforter and set it on your desk before putting the clean comforter on your bed. At this point, you were wide awake so you decided to set off to find a washer and dryer. You put the comforter into a laundry basket you'd found in the closet along with a couple of other articles of clothing. You held the laundry basket against your hip and made your way down the hall. With your minimal experience in the manor, you quickly got lost.

Every hall looked the same and you kept getting turned around. At one point you thought you'd found the right room but it was just a cleaning closet. Eventually, you found yourself back in the kitchen and you sat down at the kitchen counter, you were really close to giving up. You pulled out your phone and checked the phone, nearly 6 A.M. You didn't think it'd be that hard to find a laundry room.

Just as you were about to get up and try again you heard a noise from behind you. The lights came on and you saw Alfred standing behind you "Goodmorning (Y/N), if you'd told me that you planned on getting up so early I would've prepared you breakfast."

"No worries Alfred, I didn't plan on getting up this early myself. But I have a question,"

"What do you need?" he asked,

"Can you tell me where to find a laundry room?" You asked picking up your laundry basket.

"Oh, I can take those from you," he said,

"No, it's fine I can do it myself, I just need a washer and dryer," you said clutching the basket.

Alfred told you where to find the laundry room and you were off. You only got a little lost on your way but eventually, you found the right room. The laundry room wasn't small by any means but compared to the other rooms in the manor it was like a closet. You quickly dumped the laundry basket's contents into the washer and searched for some laundry detergent. Once you'd sorted everything out you started the washer and headed back to the kitchen.

When you returned to the kitchen you found a mug of coffee were you'd been sitting before. Alfred was preparing breakfast so you asked him about the mug "Is this for me?" you asked pointing at the mug,

"I thought you might enjoy it, seeing you're up so early. Although if you prefer I could make tea," he said,

"I'm fine with the coffee," you said taking a sip, just how you liked it.

You drank your coffee and had a pleasant conversation with Alfred. At around 7 you got up to put your laundry in the dryer, you checked the comforter when putting it in the dryer and it seemed like the bloodstain was completely gone. "You get something on the comforter?" came a voice from behind you. You turned to see a pale man standing in the doorway, he had shaggy black hair and looked remarkably tired.

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