What could go wrong?

Start from the beginning

"Yeah they gave me a number to call and confirm with"

"Ok, you call the number and I'll make us reservations at your favorite restaurant,"

You smiled at Stephanie and picked up your phone to dial the number on that little note. Once you'd entered the numbers into your phone you took a couple of deep breaths and pressed call. You held your phone to your ear and listened to the tone. Suddenly there was a robotic voice on the line. "Thank you for calling, press one to reach a director, press two to confirm attendance, press three to-"

You pressed two and listened to the waiting music only interrupted by the occasional "thank you for calling, please stay on the line" after about three minutes of waiting another voice came on the line, this one seemingly belonging to a human, "please state your full name and the show you've been accepted into." They sounded tired and bored,

"(Y/F/N), I've been accepted into The One"

"Ok one moment please as I make sure you're on our roster, as I check please find the pin on the inside of your ring and prepare to read it off for me."

You take off the ring and, sure enough, you find a small string of numbers directly underneath the ruby. When the tired voice returned you gave them the string of numbers and then they gave you an email to contact with any questions you might have. They also scheduled an in-person appointment for tomorrow to meet with people working on the show and sign contracts.

Once you finished the call Stephanie came into the room, her smile bigger than ever, "so you're officially gonna be on The One?"

"Yup, I go in tomorrow to sign contracts and stuff,"

You and Stephine talked about the show until it came time to go to dinner. Since the restaurant wasn't too far away you decided to walk together to the restaurant. Even though it was cloudy it hadn't rained all day, and you hoped that it wouldn't start soon.

Dinner with Stephanie was nice, you two hadn't really hung out like this since college and even then she was barely ever available. Still, the time you two spent together was always fun, even after she signed you up for a stupid dating show.

After dinner, Stephanie decided to call a cab, but you decided that you could walk back to your apartment just fine and you headed your separate ways. It was late now, the only light was from streetlights and the occasional illuminated shop window. You weren't too terribly bothered by this though, like any self-respecting Gothamite, you carried pepper spray. It's not always the most effective weapon but it'll ward off street thugs most of the time.


Except when they do that. Before you could run you heard a voice coming from a nearby ally. "get out of the light and throw your stuff over here!" it barked.

"Come on dude, I've got places to be, I don't have time to be mugged," you said, staying in place.

A hefty figure emerged from the ally pointing a gun straight at your face, "Either you give me your valuables or I'll take them from you!" He said walking up close enough that you could smell his breath, and man, this guy needed a mint.

"I want you to think about this for a second, if you put the gun down and leave I'm sure we'll both have much more pleasant days, do you really wanna be responsible for a murder?" you said trying to keep your composure, as smug as you might be, having a gun aimed at your face is a little terrifying. "You know Batman's been seen around here lately right? you don't want Batman to beat you up, do you?"

"You're bluffing!" the man yelled, the gun now shaking in his hand.

"I'm not" you were, but he didn't need to know that.

"Just give me your valuables already!"

Even though you knew he was scared, you also knew that thugs like this tended to be more dangerous when scared, so you gave in, "ok, I'll throw my stuff and we'll both be on our way, Alright?"

The hefty man nodded and you slowly started taking items out of your pockets, breaking eye contact with the thug. when you looked up again to hand your items over, the thug looked terrified. Almost like he'd seen a ghost.

Then he tried to shoot at the aforementioned ghost.


The noise was deafening. You kept your eyes on the thug but he seemed interested in something else entirely. He continued to shoot. but not at you, he was shooting up. No, not up. Not at the sky. He was shooting at the nearby fire escapes.

You start looking around, there are worse things in Gotham than a bullet wound, and at this point, running would be your best option. But you couldn't seem to move, every step was met with pain, you looked down to see what was stopping you and you saw blood on your side. you held your hand against your side when you realized this, you weren't very keen on bleeding out on the streets of Gotham. You continued to stare at the thug, moving backward little by little when your side permitted. Until suddenly, the Thug dropped his gun, something hit his wrist.

Your eye's widened when you realized what it was, a Batarang! You let out a sigh of relief when you realized that there was much less of a risk of being murdered by some costumed maniac. Although you weren't sure if this costumed maniac was friendly, so you continued backward but with a little less urgency.

The fight was quick, as soon as the thug's gun was gone Batman swooped in and knocked him out pretty quickly. Once the thug was out, batman turned to you, as you continued to back up. "Are you alright?" He asked, His voice was deep and clearly being run through a voice changer.

"Dandy," you said, "I've always wanted a fashionable bullet wound on my side, it'll really give me that signature Gotham look."

"Let me look at it," he said pulling your hand away from your side, "Do you have a first aid kit at home?"

"What Gothamite doesn't?" you asked raising your eyebrow,

He let out a sigh, "How far away is your house?"

"About two blocks away," you say giving him the exact address,

He seemed to contemplate something for a moment before pressing a button on his glove. No more than two seconds later a fancy black car pulled up that you could only assume to be the Batmobile. Batman promptly picked you up and set you into the passenger seat before zooming off to your apartment building. You were pretty sure he was driving way over the speed limit but you didn't want to say anything.

You were in front of your apartment building in a matter of seconds. Batman picked you up once more and asked you to point to your apartment window, you weren't really sure which one was yours so you guessed and pointed at one that seemed right. Turns out you're really good at guessing. When batman grappled up to the window you pointed to, it was your apartment. At this moment you were very thankful for the fact you never locked your windows because you were able to open the window and get inside without any broken glass.

Once inside your apartment, you went straight to the bathroom and retrieved your first aid kit. You took off your shirt and started cleaning the wound, assuming batman had left. "Let me help, you're doing it wrong," the deep voice rang out.

"Holy Fuck!" you jerked your head to see batman standing a couple feet away, "you could've made some noise before I took my shirt off," you might've been slightly embarrassed if the man next to you wasn't dressed as a giant bat.

Batman said nothing but started cleaning the wound. Once he'd dressed the wound he told you to change the dressings every couple of days and started to head off. You then closed the window behind him and took a couple of painkillers.

"This is gonna look great when I meet everyone tomorrow" you sighed, laying down on your bed.

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