Welcome back students (Chapter 1)

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Draco had come back to Hogwarts for 8th year, even though he stood with Voldemort during the war. He assumed it was a professor, knowing he needed his last year of education, but he was curious to know.

He felt bad when he walked back into the school. He felt regret and pain. Pansy noticed this and grabbed his shoulder.

"Hey dray, it's okay. Somone let us come back, so don't stress. Let's just get the year done and have some fun!" Pansy said with a smile

Draco smiled back "Okay."

"Welcome Students!-" Mcgonagall started her speach

About 5 minutes and a long speach later sorting cerimony began and the first years were sorted into their houses.

He thought of the day he was sorted into Slytherin:

"If you aren't put into Slytherin you're a disgrace to the Malfoy name." Spoke an angry Lucius

"Yes, father." A young, frightened Draco spoke, chin up as slouching was horrible Etiquette.

That's what he learned at least

He remembered the relief as the hat yelled "Slytherin"


"Dracooo?" Pansy waved a hand in front of his face "Draco" she snapped in front of his face which snapped him out of his memory.


"The food has appeared, grab some."

Draco put food onto his plate, he didn't tend to eat that much food. He didn't like the feeling of being hungry, it gave bad memories from the summer, so he ate small portions.

He ate his food, talking with friends. He looked up from the table to see the famous boy who lived starring at him. Instead of Dracos old reaction of a snark and a tease, he simply smiled and gave a small wave, Harry was clearly shocked by this because he almost spit out his drink, he smiled and waved back a few seconds later.

Draco couldn't help but chuckle as Harry almost spit out his juice, it was a genuine, happy smile.

"I see youuuu!" Pansy said, playfully nudging Draco with her shoulder.

Draco pushed her back "Stop! it's nothing! I'll explain later." and shyly smiled and looked down at the table when he saw Harry chuckling at the Gryffindor table.

"Oh it's 'NoThiNg' is it?" Pansy giggled and fake-fainted with her hand on her forhead.

They both laughed and continued eating.

*after dinner*

"Okay, okay. So lemme get this straight- Harry Potter. your Crush since FIRST YEAR starred at you during dinner, almost choked when you smiled and waved, and then laughed with you" Pansy narrowed the story down, amazed.

"yes!" Draco said and fell onto the black sofa

They laughed together

"You've gotta talk to him!" Pansy said

"Okay, I will tomorrow- But for now I'm going to bed. I'm so tiredd" Draco groggily got off the sofa

"Okay whiny baby- go to bed. I'm sure you'll sleep well" Pansy winked, and Draco playfully shoved her

"Shut up!"


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