"Not like that. Say it loud. And plead well." Zhan said and smiled.

"Fine. Yes I am angry bird. Now open the door. " Yibo said coldly.

"Hey! Say it with feelings ad use please well otherwise I won't open it and do it fast I have to do a very important work. I don't have whole day for you."  Zhan said.

"Yeahh!! You have a meeting with Obama." Yibo said with sarcasm.

"You know I can hear you. And if you keep doing it then I am going. You keep standing there until Yubin came. Bye." Zhan said and was about to return to do his  important work but stop due to Yibo's voice.

"Fine. I am angry bird. Please dear sweet Zhan open the gate. I am truly tired. You are good boy na. So open it please." Yibo said making face.

'God can't believe. It's so hard to say sorry to someone. If now mom or Yubin would've heard me then they would faint. It's my first time saying sorry and that to this trouble maker.'   Yibo thought.

"Okay gege. I am opening the door. You are not worthy for it but you know I am kind hearted. And just you say all things true. So I am opening it." Zhan said drammatically.

'What? Now he thinks me as his elder brother. Well whose younger brother kiss his elder brother on lips. Idiot. But why do I care. It's none of my business. He can think whatever he wants. '    Yibo thought.

Zhan opened the gate and ran to do his important work before Yibo could catch him. Yibo entered in the living room and frowned seeing Zhan doing his important work.

Zhan was lying on the couch. Every where was a mess. There was slices of pizza lying on floor and some on sofa. Everywhere was food lying. Empty cans of cola's were lying on floor.

Yibo was hygiene freak. He wants everything perfect. He can't even see a magazine tilted on table and here is this messy bunny in his house who loves to create mess. Yibo was flabbergasted standing there. He can't figure out its his living room which is always very clean.

"Why is everything on floor?" Yibo asked.

"Gravity? Have you never studied gravity?" Zhan sarcastically asked.

Yibo rolled his eyes on Zhan's answer.

"I am going to my room. When I will come down stairs I want everything clean." Yibo said and walked away.

Zhan ignored him.

After 2 hour Yibo came down stairs. He found Zhan sleeping peacefully on the couch. Yibo smiled seeing Zhan sleeping like a baby but then he noticed all the mess around. He frowned. He started to clean all the mess. And within 40 minutes he was done.
Just then Zhan opened his eyes, Saw around and found Yibo sitting next to him. He sat up and rubbed his eyes cutely.
Yibo noticed him.

"Where is mom?" Yibo asked.

"She is out of city for her event and will return within two to three days." Zhan answered.

"Why are you today here? You were supposed to come day after tomorrow?" Zhan asked.

"I have done with it already. So I came back." Yibo replied.

"Ohh!!" Zhan make an O shape mouth.

"Yubin called me. He said he will not come tonight. He has to visit a friend of his. His friend had an accident." Zhan explained.

–: Time Skip : –

It was 10 p.m. After dinner Yibo went to his room and Zhan went his room.

Yibo went to his room suddenly all lights turned off. Then he heard a loud scream.

To be continue....

I wonder what would have happened?  Well, Don't you think Zhan's work was indeed important. Well, In my case it is very important. Zhan loves Spongebob and I love Tom and Jerry. I can watch it whenever I get frustrated.

So back to the chapter. How was it? I tried my best to write it as much as possible. I am not feeling well till now. I have medicine but nothing is effecting much. This cold will kill me. 😷🤧

If you like this chapter then do let me know in comments. Vote for it. I would be very happy.

See you all in next chapter till then bye bye👋

#staysafe   #yizhanforever

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