Chapter 17

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I felt like I was being boiled, I was extremely hot.

I felt myself taking off my clothes then falling back into the peace of my subconsciousness called sleep.

There was a tongue lapping at my core. My clit was in a moist warm place. I was trying to open my eyes but I couldn't. A part of me is saying that I should be alarmed but I knew I was safe. I liked this dream.

I open my legs wider allowing easier access to my honey pot. Something was being inserted into me and that was when I knew this was not a dream and opened my eyes, lifted the sheet and looked down.

Rashid lifted his head and smirked at me.

"Good morning."

"Good morning." I replied

He dropped back his head while maintaining eye contact with me. He dipped his tongue into me and flicked it back and forth. I arched my back at the pleasure and closed my eyes.

"Do not close your eyes. Watch me taste you Lleana and know that I am the only one that can make you feel like this."

I nodded.

He traced his tongue between my folds and up to my clit and flicked his tongue over it. Back and forth, back and forth.

I was a mess. I was begging him at this point.

He torturously dragged his tongue back and forth over my clit. Then he put his entire mouth over it and gently sucked it. My hands were gripping his hair at this point and I started grinding on his mouth and he allowed me to.

He pushed his hands under my ass and gripped it while I grinded on his mouth. We built a riddim and he matched it perfectly.

I am not sure at what point my legs were over his shoulders, he was now on his knees so I was practically on my head (damn I am flexible).

The pressure was building inside and me and my thighs tightened around his head while I increased the pace of my grinding. I screamed his name while I came.

He helped me to take my legs from his shoulders and rested me back onto the bed.

He crawled up my body while leaving kisses everywhere. I was too weak to do anything but watch him. He finally got to my lips and started kissing me and I kissed him back with everything I had. I felt him positioning himself between my thighs then pushed his thick throbbing dick into me.

"Fuck." I moaned.

He built a slow pace. Slowly stroking in and out of me. I felt the pressure building inside me again and my energy coming back with it.

"Fuck me like a slut." I whispered in his ears.

"Gladly mia tentatrice."

Then he did. We were on the bed, then we fell off on the floor with him thrusting inside of me. We were against the wall, on the couch in his room, on his night stand. I lost count of the amount of times I came.

We were now half on the couch, half on the floor when I felt him cumming inside of me while biting down hard on my shoulder. It was a bit painful but it felt so good. He slowly pulled out of me then we laid on the carpet trying to catch our breathe.

"That" I said.

He smirked at me. "It was."

I was dozing off when I heard him whispering "Sono caduta sotto il tuo incantesimo, mia tentatrice. Mi sono completamente innamorato di te."

I fell asleep with a smile on my face and my love for this man growing.

I woke back up at midday extremely hungry and missing Rashid in the bed. I showered and changed in another one of Rashid's shirt then followed my nose.

He was in the kitchen making breakfast or I should say lunch.

"Why didn't you wake me up? I could have helped you with that."

"I wanted you to get some rest. Besides you were a bit tired after our vigorous session."

"Vigorous? Aren't you the cocky one. I wouldn't call it vigorous." I said in a mocking tone.

"Really? What would you call it then?" He said while walking towards me with the spatula in his hand.

"I don't know. A small exercise." I replied while laughing.

"Small? Is that the reason you could barely move. Kept moaning stop, don't stop"

"Shut up." I said.

I am sure if I was lighter my whole face would be red from me blushing.

"Come let us eat. I made lunch for us."

We ate the lunch while chattering about everything under the sun. He made me extremely happy and I loved every part of him. His arrogance, his sternness, his passion, his anger. I am sure he saw the love shining in my eyes because I couldn't help it.

We spent the entire Monday just chilling in his house. He gave me a official tour of the house the he taught me how to play tennis, well I should say tried. Because I sucked big time.

We swam in the nude then had sex in his in pool, on the lounge chair beside the pool, on the steps of the pool. Everything was forgotten and we focused on each other. I saw him looking at me sometimes like he was trying to figure something out. I waited with held my breath each time waiting for him to ask or say whatever was on his mind but he never did.

I didn't push it because I was scared to know what it was. Then again it will not matter as I am leaving tomorrow. So I will cherish our time together and store the memories in my head of the man that I love.

We ate dinner and after a slow paced love making we went to bed cuddled in each others arms.

I felt the tears running down my cheeks as tomorrow would be the end of us. It would be the end of this. Whatever happens tomorrow at least I know I felt love, real passionate snuck up on me type of love for someone. And that was something my mother did not and could not take away because I will cherish it within me.

I however need to figure out a plan to find out who is behind my torment while at the same time trying not to betray Rashid, after today I don't think I could but I also know he will not forgive me or want me regardless. I fell asleep with that sad thought.

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