Chapter 16

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I could barely breathe.

My mind felt like a bundle of words all jumbled together.

"When your boss gets back on Monday, there is laptop that he normally takes with him every where he goes. I want you to get that laptop from him. You have until next week Wednesday. I will contact you with further instructions on Tuesday. For your sake I hope that you have it." The distorted voice said.

The call was disconnected.

My body was shaking and I felt like I couldn't breathe.

The whole room was spinning, I felt my heart beginning to pick up pace, everything felt intense then I felt nothing.

From a distance I heard a thud, I am not sure what it was but that was all I remembered before everything went black.

There was a beeping noise nearby that was annoying me to no ends. I opened my eyes to try to find out what it was then quickly closed it back due to the brightness of the room.

Where was I?

"Lleana, Lleana baby open your eyes."

My eyes instinctively reacted to the voice and I opened my eyes. There I saw the man, the man that I would soon have to betray. His face brought back all the memories about what happened on- wait what day is?

"What happened?" I asked my voice coming out sounding groggy.

Rashid passed me a glass of water.

"I came back to the office on Friday, I couldn't stand another minute with those insufferable men. Then when I came to your desk as I couldn't find Melonie plus I wanted to see. When I got there I was told that you were rushed to the hospital because they found you at your desk unconscious." His voice was laced with worry and that made me feel even worst.

"What day is it?"

"It's Sunday. You have been unconscious for two days."


"Oh! What do you mean by oh Lleana! I was worried sick! We are definitely speaking to the doctor about your panic attacks." Rashid said with his voice going up a level at every word he said.

"What do you mean we? I can take care of myself." The annoyance could be heard in voice because we both know I am just a side fling that will end as soon as he is married. I will be damned if I remain a mistress for the rest of my life!

"Well clearly not! If I should go by the doctor's words."

As I was about to drag him for filth I heard a throat being cleared and looked up and saw the doctor.

"Excuse me Mr. Gonzalez, seeing as your wife has regained consciousness it is best not to cause unnecessary stress to her. I would advise you take a breather and allow me some time to check on my patient." The doctor said sternly.

He nodded and left.

The doctor introduced herself to me but I barely heard anything that she said as my mind was busy playing with the word wife. The doctor called me Rashid's wife. I liked the sound of that.

"Are you hearing me Mrs. Gonzalez?"

"Oh I am sorry, could you repeat please." I said sheepishly.

"I was saying that we will observe you for the next 3 hours then base on our assessment we will advice you when you can be discharged."

"Thank you."

She nodded and left.

I laid in the hospital bed trying not to thing about what I will have to do. Today was Sunday so that means that I have three days to get the laptop from Rashid. I don't know what was so important about the laptop but it must be very important if someone is willing to blackmail me for it. Rashid will never forgive me. I am betraying the one I love the most.

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