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Dippers POV

"Dipper! Mabel! Come down stairs for breakfast!" Grunkle Stan called
"Be there in a minute!" I yelled
Bye the time I got downstairs, Mabel was already scarfing down Stan-cakes. I sat down and took a plate. After a few minutes I looked up. Everyone was staring at me, especially Grunkle Ford.
"What?" I asked through a mouthful of food. "Why is everyone staring at me?"
Then Grunkle Ford asked the dreaded question.
"How did you get those twin galaxy katanas? And how did you learn how to use them?"


"W-well," I stuttered, god why did I have to stutter?
"I found them, and I hired some one to teach me how to use them."
If he finds out where I actually got them from, he is gonna be pissed.
Ford looked suspicious.
"No, you did not find them."
"What do you mean?" I asked looking up from my plate.
"I mean, you did not just find them, they can only be found in the nightmare realm."
"Okay! You caught me!" Ford looked surprised that I confessed, "I have They took me to the nightmare realm." Ford exploded when he heard this.
"Dipper! You went with demons!? How could you do that!? And how could you even be FRIENDS with one!? Demons are evil, vile, disgusting creatures who can not be trusted!!! I will have these names right now!"
This made me furious. I slammed my hand down on the table.
"YOU DON'T KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT DEMONS! I WOULD KNOW EVERYTHING! THEY ARE JUST LIKE US BUT WITH POWERS!" Everyone was shocked. I had only raised my voice two other times. Once when my parents didn't accept me when I came out to them about being gay. And the other was when I had a fight with Mabel. .I had not raised my voice any other time in my life.

I ran out of the house, slamming the door as I went out. I could hear voices yelling behind me, but I didn't stop running. I ran all the way until I reached the biggest pine tree in the forest.I flopped down beside it and cried. Was this how they thought about all demons? What happens if they find out that IM a demon? What will they do? Or try to do?


I perked my head up, looking around to see who it was. It was bill. I smiled. Bill walked up to me and plopped down beside me.
"What's wrong Pinetree?"
"I-I had to fight off Zanis with my twin galaxy katanas. Ford asked me where I got them, and I had to come out that I went to the nightmare realm with some of my demon friends. Of course, that's not true, I went there myself. But he said all these horrible things about what demons are and what if they figure out that I'm a demon!? What will they think of me!? Will they accept me still!? Will they-" bill cut me off
"Shh shh..." he planted a kiss on my lips, "it doesn't matter if they accept you or not, because I will always be here. And if they try to attack you, I guess then I will just have to beat some ass until they stop." I laughed. I snuggled with bill, feeling the breeze in my hair. Everything was perfect when I was around bill...

Fords POV

I suggested that we should go look for dipper, so we set out in the forest, when I remembered something.
"Hey! Wait right here I need to get something!"
"Ok Grunkle Ford!" Mabel called back to me, oh that perfect little angel.
I quietly snuck into my lab, and brought up the wolve's cage. They were bred to track down demons, but since they became unstable, they would now attack them also. I pulled the lock...
And let them out.
It was done.
I hurried back to Stan and Mabel.
"Did you get what you needed?" Stan asked me.
"Yes, I did. Now let's go look for dipper."


OoOoOoOhhh! What do you thinks gonna happen?

Reality is a bitch
The universe is trolling us
Buy gold byeee

-your sucky author

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