Unkaha Ishq XI

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A/N:- There is a surprise for you in the end, Please do read it.


Hearing the other side of the call he rushed toward the hospital.

Reaching the hospital he asked the receptionist hastily "Excuse me Shifa Zaeem Ali, my wife can you tell me where she is?"

The receptionist looks at him with shock, then composing herself she said "She is in room no.8, for her check up."

Zaeem nodded and ran to the room, on reaching outside room no. 8, he peeked inside through the glass of the door, and met with the very peaceful site of the world.

"Assalam Walaikum" He greeted Shifa on entering the room, Shifa grinned and gestured to him to sit beside her.

Taking her beauty in, he sits beside her and asked "What happened why did you call me so hastily, I was...........so scared" she takes his hand and kept it on her belly which will soon grow, she showed him her three fingers, telling him that she is three month pregnant, Zaeem gave out a chuckle in surprise, his eyes glistened with tears, he couldn't believe that Allah has given him the best gift of his life after Shifa, "Really?" he asked her.

She beamed and nodded, his grin cover up his face and he kissed her belly, "So it was you because of which your momma was feeling nauseous, My child, I can't believe, I...I...I'm becoming father" He chuckled and stares Shifa with adoration and said "Shifa, I'm becoming a father" Shifa again nodded and excitement raced through his body, he instantly kept his lips on Shifa's, giving her a kiss of love, thank you, adoration, he wanted to lost himself in her but someone cleared her throat, Shifa jerked Zaeem away and looked here and there in embarrassment.

"Well, Assalam Walaikum" Doctor greeted them, Zaeem nodded at her.

Doctor closed her eyes again and said in a flow "Hello, I'm your doctor, Dr. Dipti Shree, so, Mr. Ali as your wife told you.............." Continuing her talk, she gave him all the precaution she can, at last she asked "So, do you want to hear your child's heart beat?"

Both Zaeem and Shifa nodded at her, and soon they are listening to the heart beat of their baby, It was calmness for Shifa and Zaeem could understand the meaning of the heart beat, He understood that his baby is feeling excited, nervous, giddy, exactly like two years ago he was feeling, when he woke up in Shifa room next day, after he confessed his feeling to her.


Zaeem woke up as a jolt, he looked at his surroundings, he was not outside Shifa's room as usual, he took in his surroundings, he was in Shifa's room. Last night's incident runs into his mind, their conversation, their kiss, he felt a sudden Goosebumps; his fingers touched his lips, trying to feel her lips. He got out of bed and his gaze went on the dressing table, there was a folded paper lying on it. With shivering hands he picks the folded paper, he gulps opening it, his heartbeat rise not wanting to read another rejection, but still his eyes fell on the words written in it,

"Zaeem, your words are both wound and ointment for me. 

Since my childhood, the only person I loved was you, you were not like other children who used to tease me, and instead you used to save me from bullies. You used to play with me, I don't know when I gave my heart to you, but you were always in my heart.

 I was happy with you, with my family, khala, and then one day Allah snatched my happiness. 

He called ammi abbu to himself. 

ISHQIYAحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن