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I woke up to the feeling of something holding on to my ankle. I panicked, instantly remembering everything that had happened at the creek. I pulled away, pushing my back against my bed frame, my breathing staggered and uneven.

"Hey, hey," Asher's mellow voice sounded from the foot of my bed. "You're okay. It's okay. Shh, try to hold still for me."

I blinked and he came into focus. His red first aid bag was sitting on the corner of my bed. He gave me a reassuring smile as he unraveled a roll of gauze.

"I'm just changing the wrapping on your wound."

I relaxed as he took my foot in his hand and started to wrap my ankle. He wrapped it with such precision and expertise, his gaze focused.

"How long have I been asleep?" I asked.

He sighed deeply. "You've been in and out for about a day. I've checked in a few times to make sure you were still breathing and to change to the dressing."

Something in my brain finally clicked. "You're a doctor, aren't you?"

As he met my gaze he nodded. "Kind of. I'm about to start my residency, or at least I was, but I'm getting there." Once he had finished wrapping my ankle, he sat down in the chair which had been moved from my desk to my bedside.

"Your ankle is fine. It isn't sprained or broken which is good. I would say it's just a little strained so be careful and let the cuts heal, okay?"

"Okay. Thank you," I mumbled.

"What happened? Down at the creek?" he asked, his eyes boring into mine, asking for answers I couldn't give.

"I don't know," I whispered, looking down at my hands. "I don't know, and I'm sorry."

"Hey," he said gently, reaching out, touching his hand to my forearm. "It's okay. We'll figure it out."

I nodded as frustrated tears began to surface.

"Some people have been asking to see you," he said as he stood up. "Are you feeling up for some company?"

"Yeah. That would be nice."

He crossed the room to the door. As soon as it opened, I heard the shouts as they reverberated off the walls downstairs and traveled up over the balcony and into my room. I couldn't make out what they were saying, but it didn't sound good. The voice I could make out best was Eli's... at least I thought it was. The more I listened, the more it started to sound like Jonah.

"Do not leave this house!"

"Why? We should go see what's out there. Maybe we could get some fucking answers!" This sentence was followed by a loud thud, which sounded like someone pounding their fist into the wall.

"I don't see what the problem is. We're going as a group and we'll be cautious."

"We don't need to go, we already know that it's not safe!" That was unmistakably Jonah.

The screaming stopped and I heard the low hum of Asher's voice, though I couldn't make out what he was saying. The sound of multiple pairs of footsteps coming up the stairs followed his words.

Jonah was the first one through the door, quickly sitting down in the chair that had just been vacated by Asher. He grabbed my hand and held it, stroking his thumb over the top of my hand.

"Are you okay?" he asked, his eyes tilted down with worry.

I didn't answer at first. My eyes were fixed on the doorway.

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