Author's Note and Prologue

Start from the beginning

This is "Couple For Hire [Shourtney]!" This would be my 4th Shourtney book (hello to those who have been here since Here's To Us) as well as the 10th book (hello to those who have been here since AWITG) I will be writing this year and in my entire time here on Smosh-Wattpad. It's honestly been fun, and I've been writing as a coping mechanism for a ton of school works and a bit of the apocalypse. I'll be taking the second half of December off though, but I'll still be writing oneshots!

Anyway, in this book, Shayne and Courtney whose sideline work as an acting couple become viral on the Internet with their whole acts, and this forces them to carry out what they've been dreaming as creatives for a long time as well as to learn how to compromise for the sake of their careers. As always, this is a work of fiction, and I put it all on the disclaimer in the book's description. Here are some reminders:

- This book will have 2200+ words per chapter.
- This book will have 20 chapters which I shall be writing over the course of this month (November).
- Points of view will alternate between Shayne and Courtney, with Shayne starting in the prologue.
- Chapter titles are similar to episode titles of Friends.
- Update schedule is every Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday midnights, Philippine Standard Time!

Anyway, I do hope you enjoy this! Let's start with the prologue in Shayne's point of view and see ya!


"Honey, thank you so much for coming around," Mom tells me as she embraces me for the nth time this evening. "I know you've been busy at work in LA, but you still managed to arrive here for your grandparents' wedding anniversary."

"I wouldn't miss it for the world," I assure her, smiling.

"Also, Courtney has been such a lovely guest tonight," she remarks as we both glance over the said Miller who is downing her second glass of champagne. "I am so happy that you two are finally dating!"

"No, we are not," I reply, shaking my head. "I just asked her to be my plus one to this. I didn't wanna be asked when I was gonna get married, so I brought Courtney along to help me out."

"And has she been helpful?"

"Definitely." We both turn over to Courtney again who is now laughing loudly at the games the guests are playing, probably already hiccuping. "I should get back to her though and go to the hotel. We still have work tomorrow afternoon, and I know Ian won't allow it if she were to come to work with a hangover."

"You two take care now, okay?" she says to me. "I love you, my boy. You couple of lovebirds shouldn't be late."

"Very funny, Mom," I tell her as I wave at her, walking back to our table.

I wasn't really one for huge parties, but if I had to come home for one, I would. The problem is, both of my brothers are married and have kids, and as your typical 29-year-old, I get asked a lot when I would get married. As a band-aid solution to this one-time thing, I brought in someone who could learn a thing or two about the late-20s crisis she's bound to face in a few years. Courtney and I have been friends for the longest time, and yet she never fails to make me feel alright whenever she's around. That's exactly why I brought her.

"Hey, you're back," she says as I sit down next to her, fixing my blazer. "They have this really cute game for couple going on, and I really wanna join. Look at them!"

I look towards the center square to see couples of different ages dancing around newspapers. Whenever the music stops, they have to step on the newspaper without touching the floor, and they fold it after each round. The strongest in the match right now is carrying his girlfriend on his back, and she is just steadily wrapping her arms around him. Definitely not something Courtney and I would do, because first, she'd rather be carried bridal style because of her dress, and second, those stilettos would really dig into my hands. Not today.

"We gotta get back to the hotel," I tell her. "Still gotta get back to LA tomorrow, or else Ian would be pissed. And look at you, you're already tipsy. It's a Tuesday."

"Oh, just tipsy," she replies, laughing. "Alright, alright. But this has been such a great evening, you know? If I could take your place as the unmarried Topp son, I would if it meant coming to parties like this one."

After saying goodbye to even more relatives, Courtney and I finally drive back to the nearby hotel where she was staying at. She plays the upbeat dance song from the game earlier and continues to sweat off the alcohol as I drive. When we arrive, it's only a few moments until we get to her room. "Thank you for tonight, my dude," she says, sticking out her fist for a bump. "This was awesome, and I'd love to do this again for real."

"Well, this is just a one-time thing," I tell her as she lets me in the room for a while, handing me a glass of water. "My brothers are happily married, my grandparents are obviously not going to get married again. The next time I invite you, it's probably to my wedding."

"You? Get married?" she teases me, chuckling. "But really, if you have other events you need a plus one too, I'm your girl. Not only do I love the whole partying... it's the free dinner for me."

"And a buffet at that," I reply as she sits next to me on her bed, and we both sigh. "I wish my job was just attending parties and having fun, you know? Don't get me wrong, I love working at Smosh, but imagine being a party critic."

"I know someone who critiques quinceañeras," she remarks. "She owns an events coordination team now. Good for her, but I totally get what you mean."

"Yeah, totally."


We were both quiet for a moment, until Courtney suddenly smacks my arm and exclaims, "That's it!"

"What's it?" I ask, rubbing my arm. "And by the way: ow!"

"We could do that, but with our own skills," she tells me, grinning. "Like, like... I dunno if this is just the wine kicking in, but we could become, like, actors for hire for events!"

I could only roll my eyes at her and say, "Yep, that's Champagne Miller talking."

"Think about the free dinner and the extra cash we'd have for acting," she replies. "And let me tell you, LA is the hotspot for all sorts of events, so there definitely will be people who want actors for some dramatic effect in their parties."

"So what you're saying is... we're actors by day, actors by night?"

"Yep!" she exclaims as she shows me out of her room. "I know I'm a bit tipsy, Shayne, but it'd be nice, you know? We're both actors, so that would work out in some way. And free dinner! I mean, I can cook, but it's nice to eat dinner every night somewhere that isn't my apartment."

"I'll pick you up at eight tomorrow, so you better be awake," I tell her. "Good night and see you."

"Good night! And think about it."

I thought I wouldn't think about it, because the idea was just absurd. Courtney always had brilliant ideas, and I couldn't believe how stupid of a joke it was until I get reminded about my student loans which never seem to end. As well as rent. Electricity, water, food, transportation. And the future? I wouldn't say I didn't have any money, but if I really were getting married in the next few years, I wanted to get my student loans out of the way to get a loan for a house. To have a family was impossible at this rate.

Maybe a bit of extra cash wouldn't hurt. After all, it's not like this is gonna be a big-time thing.


First two chapters have been published! Give them a read and I hope you enjoy them. <3

Couple for Hire [Shourtney]Where stories live. Discover now