Start from the beginning

Finally, the trio were dumped onto the damp floor of a stone tunnel. "This is some Nancy Drew shit," Gemini moaned; standing up to brush off any muck. Immediately, upon landing; Harry unknowingly sprung into the leader that was expected of him, obtaining a torch that hung in the depths of darkness. He poised his wand directly towards the flambeau; and spelled, "LUMOS." It instantly bloomed with a bright orange flame. "Remember," The Boy-Who-Lived started, "Any sign of movement, close your eyes straight away." Gemini carried out a perfected salute. "Aye-aye captain!"

Harry led the way down the tunnel; all too soon, a crunch echoed throughout the reticence. The four, startled, looked down: a rat's skull rested in a crumbled heap. All around them, the ground was littered with tiny skeletons. Amidst taking in the horrific sight; Ron squinted, seeing something huge and curved laying ahead. "What's that? Up ahead," he questioned; voice hollow with dread. "That looks like a...snake," answered Lockhart; who shielded his eyes in terror. "Maybe it's asleep," Gemini sanguinarily replied. Ron drew his wand as they approached, scrunching his gaze. Harry shone his light, revealing...a gigantic coil of empty skin. "Bloody hell," the ginger boggled, "Whatever shed this must be twenty feet long...or more."


The children turned to behold Lockhart passed out on the sludgy foundation. "Heart of a lion, this one," Gemini mocked. Ron knelt by the seemingly unconscious figure, when...Lockhart's eyes snapped open and, quick as a fox, snatched Ron's wand from his unctuous grasp. Scrambling to his feet; Lockhart exclaimed, "The adventure ends here, young ones! But don't fret; the world will know our story. How I was too late to save the girl. How you three tragically lost your minds at the sight of her mangled body. I'll even bind a limited edition in this snake skin. Say goodbye to your memories. Obliviate!" Ron's wand exploded like a small bomb, blasting the liar off his feet and spitting great jets of fire into the rock above. As rubble rained; Ron, dragging Gemini along, leapt one way and Harry the other.

The Boy-Who-Lived sat up and, through the settling dust, detected a solid wall of broken rock; sealing the tunnel off between fellow comrades and himself. "This just got worse," groused Gemini; her merry outlook not lasting long. "Ron, Gemini!," Harry started, "Are you okay? Mate, why did you yank her along?" Thankfully; the ginger grumbled, "I'm okay. This git's not, though. He got blasted by my wand, and now is not the time for jealousy. She was closer to me....Wait; Gem! Don't do it!" Harry, not being able to see them, panicked, "What's happening?! Gem?" Lockhart had sat up, disoriented. Unfortunately for him; he was stuck on the side accompanied by the infuriated female. Seeing the man stir; Gemini conked him over the head with one of the scattered rocks. "Fucking idiot! How dare you put us in this situation. I always miss the cool fight, and this time it's on you," she accused. Gilderoy Lockhart once again found himself unconscious at the hands of a young girl. Ron yelled out to the unnerved boy, "Nothing much is going on. We might need to get Gemini checked out for anger issues, though!...What do we do now?"

"Wait here," Harry advised, "I'll go on. I'll go on and...find Ginny. If i'm not back in an hour...well." Gemini cleared her throat, "Oh, you'll be back Harry Potter. Meanwhile, whilst you're out partaking in hero duties; Ronald and I are going to try and shift some of this rock. So you both can get back through." Her tone left no room for debate. Tenderly; his fingers brushed the wall that divided them, "See you in a bit." The duo heard his footsteps patter away. Twisting to face the young Weasley; Gemini instructed, "Alright. Let's get digging."

Later on; Gemini and Ron had made significant progress, a hole now allowed them to see the path Harry had previously journeyed down. Wiping sweat off of her glistening forehead; the girl moaned, "Merlin, this is the most physical activity i've ever done! If Harry has gone and gotten himself killed; not even needing us to do this, I'll bring him back and let him die from my hand." A light chuckle, not coming from the two hard at work, sounded out. "Well, isn't that lovely," Harry stated; approaching the crumbling stone, Ginny trailing behind his figure. "Harry!," Gemini cheered; clapping her hands in excitement. Likewise to her revelation: "Ginny," Ron breathed; catching sight of his, still existent, sister. The pair wriggled through their makeshift opening and suffocated their loved ones in a tight embrace. "You're both alive," Ron exclaimed; in amazement, "I can't believe it!" The youngest Weasley paled; not as thrilled, "I'm going to be expelled, though. I just know it!" Laughing; Ron looked to Harry, "Remind you of anyone?" The Gryffindor three felt the ache of missing their final piece.

"Where's Lockhart?," Harry queried; in an attempt to mislead their dwindling thoughts. Gemini shifted her eyes to the furthest corner; Harry, following her gaze, saw Lockhart sitting by himself and humming placidly. "Well," the girl started, "If the blows to the head I administered didn't cause any damage; his Memory Charm backfired. Hasn't got a clue who he is. Ron continuously had to stop him from wandering off, because I refuse to help that man in any way. Anyhow, he's really just a danger to himself." The man in question turned to Ron; inquiring, "Hello. Odd sort of place, this, isn't it? Do you live here?" Exasperated; Ron bluntly replied, "No." Gemini looked to Harry, raising her eyebrows as if to prove her previous averment. Allowing himself to get lost in her appearance; Harry felt his heart skip a beat. She always did unknowingly make him feel secure; those silver eyes assuaged him in enigmatic ways.

Dragging emeralds away from the prior stare-down; Harry looked upwards. There appeared to be an opening; hundreds of feet up. As if sensing the boys problem, Fawkes circled back and fluttered in front of the group. "What's with the bird?," Ron questioned; rightfully suspicious of anything that ventured in such an area. "I think," Harry unsurely began, "I think he's telling me he can take us out of here." The older female scoffed, intimidating the young Weasley, "Snakes and Birds, Harry? What's next; Worms?" A blinding smile was shot her way, "Lay off, Gem." She laughed, "You know I'm just teasing. Bloody Hell; tell your new friend to get us out of here."

Her wish was granted; a curious, gliding shadow rippled across the cavernous wall. The four soared out of the darkness, linked hand in hand. As Fawkes flew them in the destination of home. "Amazing! This is just like magic," Gilderoy Lockhart let out a childlike trill. "I'm telling you; we should have just left him down there. No one would've even noticed," grumbled the annoyed Gemini.

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