We're Being Punked, Pedro pt.1

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The four girls joined Alaric in the library, where they followed him around the large room as he collected relevant books off the shelves while they demanded answers for what he had just told them. None of them were happy.

"This makes no sense, dad. Why are we getting punished?" Alaric turns and gives Lizzie an exasperated look as she whined.

"Because you started a brawl at a charity football game that risked exposing what we really do here!" he shouted.

"Well, you weren't mad last night." replied the blonde Saltzman twin while pouting.

"I was mad last night! My undying love for my daughters just happened to trump my rage," explained Dr. Saltzman, walking down the steps in the library towards one of the study tables where he placed the books before turning to face his daughters and two students. "I volunteered everyone in the game, so stop complaining. You're lucky that it's just community service and not actual jail time."

"Can I at least offer a rebuttal in my defense, if it so pleases the court?" asked Lizzie, earning an eye roll from her father. He gestured for her to continue. "First of all, I was provoked. My response was totally proportional considering the levels of abuse that I was forced to endure," Hope chuckles, angering the blonde Saltzman even more, " And secondly," Lizzie pauses for a moment as if she was contemplating what to say next.

"Hey, I was shoved and fell on Conner when the fight broke out, no assault on my part," interjected Artemis, trying to hold in a laugh. Though it was plausible, everyone gave her a look as it was quite obvious to them that Artemis falling wasn't what happened.

"If anyone should take the blame, it's Josie." continued Lizzie, acting as if she hadn't heard the hybrid in the first place.

"What?" exclaimed Josie, obviously not expecting her sister to blame her.

"Damn," Artemis whispered to Hope.

"I'm sorry," Lizzie continued, "I totally cracked under the cross, but if you had just let Kaleb catch the ball-" this time her father interrupted her.

"You would still be in trouble," he said in an annoyed tone. It was true. They all knew that the team needed to lose.

"But nice job throwing your sister under the bus," said Hope. Josie turned to look at her with a slightly shocked expression and said thank you. Josie and Lizzie enter into what seems to be an argument, consisting of only facial expressions.

"Speaking of the bus, it leaves in ten minutes. And I expect all of you to be on it, working together today, harmoniously and without drama. End of debate." said Dr. Saltzman, sternly.

"I wasn't even at the game. Why am I being punished?" sassed hope.

"You know what you did." replied the headmaster. Hope broke eye contact with him, and Lizzie turned towards Hope and raised an eyebrow, as the edges of her lips curled up, forming a smirk.

"All right, now go, all of you. Come on," announced Doctor Saltzman, while clapping his hands. The Saltzman twins left the room. Artemis waited for Hope, who seemed to be staying back to talk to Dr. Saltzman.

"Seriously?" asked Hope annoyed.

"What part of what I said needs translating?" Alaric scolded

"I want to help you with research," says Hope. Dr. Saltzman rolls his eyes and looks away.

"Dorian has a master's degree in library science. I think the adults have it covered." Dr. Saltzman replies. Hope glared at him as she walked towards him.

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