Maybe I Should Start from the End

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Artemis came to at the same time as the others. She looked around to see that they were laying on a patch of burning grass and jumped up to try to get a better view of their surroundings. She watched as her headmaster and Landon slowly stood up and noticed that Hope was already standing.

"Where the hell are we? What happened?" questioned Landon.

"I don't know, but I don't think we're in Kansas anymore." replied the headmaster.

"Well I see we found mophead here, but other than that, I have no clue of what happened," said Artemis, pulling pieces of charred grass out of her black, wavy hair. Hope turned to look at the rest of the group with a confused expression.


Artemis was up late walking around the school. After what happened with Josie and the necromancer, the young hybrid had been having a hard time sleeping. Well, harder than usual. As she walked through the halls, Artemis noticed that Hope was also awake and walking towards the headmaster's office. Artemis quickly went after Hope, wondering what the young Mikaelson was up to. She watched as Hope pulled Alaric's keys out of his desk. Artemis leaned against the doorframe with crossed arms and cleared her throat.

"Artemis, please don't tell anyone." pleaded Hope.

"Who would I tell, if you're running I'm coming with you," she replied.

"Fine, but you have to be quiet," said Hope.

"When am I not?" smirked Artemis. Hope turned and raised an eyebrow. "Okay, okay, I'll be quiet while we sneak out, but we are so listening to Taylor Swift while on the road." Hope let out a sigh and started walking towards the door. Artemis moved out of the way, letting Hope pass, quickly and quietly following behind. They were about to reach the main door to exit the school when they were stopped.

"Going somewhere? Better questions, where the hell do you two think you're going with my keys and without telling me?" lectured the headmaster. Artemis turned to Hope with wide eyes and gestured towards Alaric. Artemis didn't even know where they were going, she didn't ask. It wasn't of great concern to her, as long as Hope was there.

"Um, you know, I just said some really harsh things to you yesterday, and so I wanted to get you an oil change as a peace offering." lied Hope, with a high-pitched voice. Artemis closed her eyes, bowed her head, and sighed. For someone who lied about their identity for 8 years, Hope wasn't the best at coming up with lies on the spot.

"At 3:00 a.m.? Hope, Artemis, neither of you has a driver's license. You were gonna commit grand theft auto, which is a felony. You're ditching school right before the midterm exams begin, and you've made it very clear to me that you see me as an authority figure and nothing more. So tell me, why shouldn't I suspend you this very second" lectured the headmaster. Artemis bowed her head again, she didn't want to get in trouble, she just wanted to keep Hope from getting herself killed, or worse, getting trapped in Malivore. Hope pulled up the sleeve of her sweater to show the bracelet. The one that glowed.

"And what is that?" questioned Alaric.

"It's basically a supernatural compass," stated Hope.

"Well, I hope it's pointing you both to your rooms, 'cause that's where you're going," he stated.

"I'm going after Landon. If this thing is glowing, that means that he's in trouble," she argued.

"Ohhh, so that's who we're going after," said Artemis. Hope and the headmaster both gave her a confused look. Hope assumed that Artemis gathered that information from what had happened at the 'celebration' the previous night and Alaric assumed that Artemis would at least ask Hope where she was going. "What, it's like 3 am, you expect me to be able to search for context clues and analyze Hope's nonverbal communication?" continued Artemis. The two looked at her with a confused expression again. "Well Dr. S you mentioned mid-terms, I'm just trying to show you that I'm prepared. Anyways, if Hope says she leaving on a dangerous quest, I'm going."

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