Shadow Work

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*Sexual content ahead*

searing light from the window illuminated the messy, dark bedroom where Katara was sleeping off her hangover. Tossing and turning in a baggy t-shirt and underwear, she groaned as she tried to get comfortable. She closed her eyes tight in the hope that the dark would return. "Ugh," she groaned as she held her pillow over her eyes. Aang was sitting on the floor finishing up his meditation. He smirked hearing his beautiful girlfriend struggle with the consequences of drinking two bottles of wine. Aang, who had been up for four hours at this point, quietly left the room and headed into the kitchen. Shortly he returned next to their bed with coffee, toasted bagel, orange slices, and bacon for Katara.

The smell of the coffee awoke the smiled after removing the pillow from her face. "Good morning, sunshine," Aang smiled while sitting next to her on the bed. Katara wanted to roll her eyes but couldn't find it in her heart to resist his charming ways. "I wish I was more like you" she laughed as she sat up. She looked down at the platter and grinned at Aang. "Is this all for me?" she asked as a blush formed across her face. He nodded, "Yeah, I figured you'd need a cure." She leaned over to kiss him and sipped the coffee. Katara told him stories about her girls night while she ate her breakfast quickly. She asked him after finishing her last bite, "What did I do to deserve you?" Aang's smile faltered at this question, sighing before putting his thoughts into words.

"I think I should be asking you that question. I have something to tell you," he asked as he rubbed the back of his neck. Aang saw the nervous look on her face and quickly added, "It's nothing serious! No, it's just something we should talk about. I just want to get your opinion on it." Katara visibly relaxed but still looked concerned. Aang looked into her eyes, "So, I want to tell you everything and please don't respond until I'm finished, "he sighed, " I suspected that Zuko had a crush on you since I saw him in the hospital, and I was right. I asked him at the dinner you made for him but he said 'no'. Sokka and Zuko admitted it last night while we were out drinking. Turns out Zuko has been lying the whole time. Apparently when we were on cactus juice he confessed he loved you to both of us, but I don't remember. He says he's dating Toph now but there's something that makes me not trust him. I know you're friends with him now but it's been eating away at me. I became so angry and paranoid. I know there's nothing happening between you two, so why do I feel like this? Am I crazy?"

Katara put her coffee cup on the nightstand quietly. She was pensive for a few minutes. Aang's heart started to race at the unreadable expression on her face. Finally, she looked at Aang, "So, what you're telling me is that Zuko was in love with me and you're jealous. What, do you think he's going to steal me away or something?" Aang groaned, putting his head in his hands, "I know, I know! I'm an idiot. I don't know why I was getting jealous. I was just worried..." Katara folded her arms to scowl at her boyfriend, "Worried about what? That I'd like him back?" Aang continued to groan as he rubbed his eyes. Katara continued, "You know how ridiculous that sounds? No one could steal me away from you. I love you."

He raised his head up to meet her eyes. He spoke softly, "I know that, and I love you too. I guess, I don't know... I'm still feeling insecure about you being with me. You're so gorgeous and so smart, I'm worried I won't be enough for you. I never told you this but when I first asked you out, I went to my living quarters afterwards and overheard guys laughing about me. They said I wouldn't last long, just like "the others". I guess I forgot about that until now." Katara's eyes softened after hearing Aang's story. She rubbed her hand gently, "Aang, I can't believe you held on to that these past two years. Yes, I dated a few guys but they weren't right for me at all. They weren't you. We're not going to work if you don't trust me." Aang nodded with tearful eyes as he spoke, "Oh, Spirits, Katara, I'm so sorry. I do trust you, I really do. I know your heart would never waver. You're my first relationship and I was, and still, am so surprised you want to be with me. I let my insecurity get the best of me."

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