Shraddha's Breakup

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Varun waited impatiently, pacing around the van. He was in the sets of Badrinath Ki Dulhania, shooting with his best friend (after Shraddha), Alia. Shraddha had called him a while before, and she said she had something important to talk about.

Knock knock!!

As soon as Varun heard the knock on the door of the van, he immediately ran to open in. There stood Shraddha.

She, of course, looked beautiful as always. But somehow, her hair was messed up, and her mascara had smeared all over her face.
She had been crying.

'What happened Chirkut?' Varun asked Shraddha, calling her by her nickname he had giver her, as she walked in and Varun closed the door.

Shraddha suddenly burst in tears. Varun didn't like to see his Shraddha like this. He didn't like to see her when she was sad, when she was crying. He always wanted to see her happy and laughing, which made her look beautiful.

'What happened, Chirkut?' Varun repeated, pulling her to sit down and then sat with her.

She still didn't reply and went on crying.
Varun pulled her closer and hugged her. She clutched onto his shirt, wetting it. She cried her heart out. Varun kept on staring at her.

'Adi...' was all she could manage to say.

Varun's fists clenched. He didn't like Aditya at all, whom Shraddha was dating at this time. Somewhere deep down, he felt like Aditya didn't deserve his dear Shraddha.

'What did he do?' Varun asked, trying not to show the anger in his voice.

'He... He said I didn't love him... He said... He... Said he deserved better than me.... He said I should stop spending time with you... And spend time with him,' Shraddha managed to say between her sobs.

That bastard did what?

'Shraddha... Yeh sab meri wajah se hua hain (Everything happened because of me)... I'm sorry,' Varun said in a guilty tone.
After all, he was the reason of Shraddha and Adi's fight, which caused Shraddha to cry.

Before Shraddha could say anything else, he felt the van immediately. Shraddha looked shocked, stared at the door of the van, then took her phone and purse and walked out of the van as well.


Alia stared at her best friend, Varun, as he sat next to her quietly, not uttering a word. It was weird for him to be this quiet, and Alia, who knew him quite well, knew that something was definitely wrong.

'What happened, VD?' Alia asked.

No answer. Varun kept on staring straight ahead, looking at nothing.

'Who hurted Shraddha now?' she asked. She knew, whenever he would not talk to someone, especially his best friend, it would be because of Shraddha.

'That kamina (rascal) Adi! He said he deserves better than Shraddha! Jab ki hum sabko pata hain kaun better deserve karta hain! (When we all know who deserves better!)' Varun said, his temper rising, making him slightly red.

'Calm down, VD,' Alia said, petting his back, and handed him a drink. He took it and slurped it down in one gulp.

'How can I calm down? I want my Shraddha to be happy, that's it! That kamina is making me stay away from her! Is that what love is? Making the girl you love stay away from her best friend?' Varun went on.

'Then why don't you tell her the truth?'

Varun turned his face towards Alia. He still had the burning rage of anger in his eyes.
'What do you mean?' he asked.

'Varun, don't act naive. Why do you feel this to her? Why are you so protective of her? I mean, okay, she is your best friend, but so are I and Sid! Maybe you met her before us, but that doesn't change anything! You don't feel so angry when one of ours girlfriend or boyfriend say that they deserve better!' Alia said, probably not realizing she was shouting.


'I'm not finished yet! When you look at her, what do you feel? Do you feel the same thing to me? To Sid? You might say that you don't to me, but you can't hide the truth from yourself! Why can't you be honest for once? We've always been there for you, kam se kam humse toh jhooth mat bola kar! (At least don't lie to us!) You know, all of this could come to an end! You getting jealous, Shraddha having to cry, we having to calm you down, if just you tell Shraddha!' Alia said.
Varun was shocked! Alia had never spoken so much!

But he knew she was right. Shraddha was different.

But how could he tell her?

'How do I tell her? She's happy now, with Aditya. She loves him, not me. And maybe, if I tell her, I would ruin everything! Everything we have at least now, friendship. And that's the most precious thing to me in the world now, Shraddha's friendship,' Varun said, looking at Alia, probably hoping she would give him some kind of advice.

'Look VD, you don't know what's going on with her. Maybe she loves Aditya, maybe she doesn't. Maybe she is happy, maybe she is not. But one I know for sure- she loves you,' Alia said, gave him a nod implying "everything-will-be-fine" and walked off.

And at that moment, Varun knew, everything would be okay, if he told Shraddha about his feelings.


In the evening, Varun drove off to where he knew Shraddha would be. He hadn't prepared anything, like most boys would while asking out their dream girl.
He didn't even have a bouquet of flowers.
He was just wearing a pair of jeans and a tee and a pair of Puma shoes. He had gelled hair and a denim jacket on top.

Shraddha was sitting there, her back was to him. She, of course, had no idea that Varun had come to meet him.

It was raining a bit, but not enough to completely wet people. It seemed romantic.

Varun had come to a park. A park that Varun and Shraddha would visit together when they were sad.

Couples walked around the park, holding hands, looking like love-sick lovebirds.
Varun only wished, if he ever dated someone, their relationship wasn't like this, he felt nauseous seeing people like that, he wanted to be comfortable around his partner.


Shraddha turned around. She had her hair all messy, her eyes puffed out and red, and her cheeks were glistening with tears.

Seeing Varun standing there, Shraddha quickly wiped off the years, she didn't want him to see that she was crying.

But Varun had seen that she was crying. He came and sat next to her, hugging her. He knew that was the only thing that made her feel better.

'He broke up with me,' she said. Varun mentally danced.

'It's okay. You know, I have to tell you something,' Varun said. Shraddha looked up to meet his eyes.

'I love you,' he said, putting Shraddha's hand on his.

'Romantically?' she asked, a look of hope sprinting on her face.


'I love you too!' she said, and hugged Varun.


A/N- Hey guys!

Okay, I know how bad this one is! But I promise the next one will be better!!

No hate to Adi, I love him a lot as a person but maybe imagine him in the Rahul form? ❤️

How was this one shot?

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