Prologue, A Life Changing Mistake

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(Edited slightly, changed wording)
A/N apologies for the short chapter, I'm in school, read front details for schedule

Izuku's POV age 4 at home
Today's the day! I finally get to see what my quirk is and on top of that, it's also my birthday! I wonder what it'll be! I rush downstairs and find pancakes and bacon on the table waiting. "Oh! Izuku! Are you ready for today?" Mom asks, "Yeah! Kacchan's gonna be amazed when he sees my quirk!" I say excitedly, "I bet he will! Are you ready to go to the doctor's?" "Yeah! But let me finish eating ok?"
3rd POV In the doctor's office with the doc

"I'm sorry ma'am your son is quirkless, while I'm here, are there any health issues?" The doctor says, "Oh.... I- no, there aren't any that I know of." My mom says to the doctor, "Izuku, sweetie, I'm so sorry, how about we get some Ice cream on the way home?" Mom asks, pity and sorrow showing in her voice. "Y-yeah, that'd be nice."

Back at home with Ice cream Izuku's POV

I guess I'm quirkless... mom is getting stuff from the car, at least that's what she told me, she could barely hold her tears back as she walked in. I guess she doesn't want me to feel bad. As I zone out, thinking of the miserable life I'll lead, I don't notice my mother, she practically gave me a heart attack! "Sorry Izuku, I needed to get something fro- EEK!" My mom yelped I'm fear, I don't know what happened to me, one second I'm eating ice cream and now I'm on the floor, about the size of a mouse, I try to ask for help, but my mom just grabs the broom and sweeps me out the door.
"Get out! Stupid rat! EEK! It looked at me!" She says with a swift swing of the broom and slam of the door 'why did mom do that? Why am I so fuzzy? Why-' I get cut off by a person almost crushing me under their foot. "Ah! Get out of here!" They yell at the 'rat' under them.
'Hmm if I'm stuck like this I should go to an alleyway, or an abandoned building where other mice are, it's better than being alone.'

End! How was that? If you guys like that I might continue this and make it a vigilante/orphan Deku story, if you have any suggestions, questions or anything of the sort feel free to ask! Let me know if something isn't clear too! If I get enough feedback I might continue this!

455 words total
See you later?
Seriously give me feedback

455 words totalSee you later?Seriously give me feedback

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(Edited slightly, changed wording)

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