hogwarts express

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Aurora walked through the walls and enter the Platform 9¾ with Harry, Ron, Hermione, Ginny, Percy and George, who came to see them off

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Aurora walked through the walls and enter the Platform 9¾ with Harry, Ron, Hermione, Ginny, Percy and George, who came to see them off. As the whistle was blown, the now pink haired girl hugged George and get on the train with the others. Percy went with the Minister, Shacklebolt in another compartment while the five find an empty compartment and get in it. She almost zoned out in the journey but heard faint talkings of the others.

"Aurora, get up. We will be arriving soon. Get in your robes," Hermione said.

The girl yawned and got up from the seat. She grabbed her uniform from her trunk and walked out towards the bathroom. On the way, she bumped with her best friend, Neville.

"Hey, Nev. How are you?" she said, hugging him tightly.

"I am good, Rory. How are you?"

"Good too. And~ where is Luna?"

"Um... She is talking with Susan. I am going to meet Harry and the others."

"Sure, go ahead. I will be back soon," she said and walk towards the bathroom.

Aurora get in the bathroom, whiche seemed a but odd to her and lock the door. She changed in her uniform and started to tie her red and gold striped tie. She was humming to herself and stopped when someone knocked on the door, rather loudly.

"Who the hell is inside? And taking so long? As if he is a girl?" a familiar voice sneered.

Aurora gulped as she knew, whose voice it was, Malfoy's but why is he knocking on the girls bathroom. She looked around and then it hit her. SHE WAS IN THE BOYS BATHROOM!!!!

Her hair started to turn green. Then a plan hit her and she morphed yourself as Cormac Mclaggen and opened the door slowly. Her now brown eyes met with Malfoy's piercing steel grey ones.

"Mclaggen! What took you so long?" Blaise, who was standing beside Malfoy, asked the one who came out of the bathroom looking away.

"Um..my tie...Couldn't tie it properly," she stuttered trying to keep her voice deep. "Sorry for taking long," she said and walked towards her compartment.

When she saw none of the Slytherins are near, she slide the door open, went in and sat beside Harry. She was still in the Cormac form.

"Mclaggen, what business do you have here?" Ron spat.

"Oh! I didnt notice," she said abruptly and transform back to herself along with her uniform.

"Bloody hell was that?"

"I got in the boys bathroom...By mistake and Malfoy was outside... So I had to do that," she mumbled as Ron and Harry broke into laughter along with Ginny.

"Its not funny. Well Aurora, you should thank your stars that you are a Metamorphamgus," Hermione said. "What if you were not?"

"I may had used an Invisibility charm," she grinned, causing the boys to laugh again.

Aurora looked away from them and glanced outside through the window. She enjoyed the views of the green fields and mountains, while hearing snickering and faint talking sounds from the four. She looked at the clear blue sky and all of a sudden her hair turned pink as she closed her eyes and saw his smiling face. She opened her eyes and decided to get off these thoughts. She continued looking outside at the beautiful view.

Hearing sounds, she turned to see her brother and Ron had piled up their seats with sweets. They are literary eighteen years old and still behaving like its their first year. She laughed lightly at them and turned to see Ginny and Hermione going through some books. Aurora sighed and looked outside again causing your hair to turn back to the normal red

"Well we are here," Ginny said as she get up to grab her satchel and trunk. Finally they were back, she was back, but something was waiting for all specially for Aurora. She got down from the train as a soft cold breeze hit her face with a soothing scent of honey.

"First years, this way," she heard Hagrid saying and controlled herself from going and hug him.

She sighed lightly and walked with the others for reaching to the carriages stand.

She sighed lightly and walked with the others for reaching to the carriages stand

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