That Night

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3rd Person

Just as Death had promised, Xinia woke up the morning of Halloween, or rather, All Hallows eve, and her parents were still there, alive and caring for her, Death had done this on purpose, he could not send her further back since Halloween night was the first time he had touched her,  where the killing curse had marked her as his, there was a reason her eyes were such a bright green. 

He wanted to let her know her parents, understand and remember the love they felt for her, and carry that with her for the rest of her lives(?), though that would depend on her decision at the end of this story, and that's what this was, a story, every day a page, every breath a sentence, every beat of a heart and breath of a lung a stroke of a pen, and hers would be an epic, he would make sure of that.

1st Person, Xinia

It was dark, I could tell that much, and I felt smaller, so I guess I'm a baby, considering I was talking to death itself a little bit ago, or would it be later, never mind, I'll just use past tense for my last life.

As for what happened next, i blame my body and instincts, I pooped, then cried, then the lights came on, I, who expecting to see a sour face was pleasantly surprised it was my mom, Lily Potter, she had a night robe wrapped around her and a smile that radiated motherly love, she was gentle and kind, talking to me (with baby talk) and keeping me so distracted I didn't notice that not only was she done changing me, but my father, James Potter came in.

He was also wearing a night robe, and his hair was a double whammy of out of control and bedhead, if my hair ends up like that, I'm keeping it short, but then again, death said that things would change, maybe that will too, speaking of, I'll need to get my eyes checked out, there might be a way to mend them if I do it early enough.

I continue to make plans for the future when I feel that I'm being passed to dad, you know what, I have the better part of 9 years before my letter arrives, I can do that later, for now, I'll spend the few hours I have with my parents enjoying their presence.

3rd person

And that's how Xinia spent the Halloween of 1981, a whole family, happy and content, even with the war  in the background, it didn't matter, they had each other, regardless of how long it would last, and it wouldn't. 

That night, Xinia became a little more clingy of her parents, keeping them in a pile with a hug, her parents although not kept in place physically, knew something was happening, and wanted to soothe her worries, eventually, she began to drift into sleep. so Lily go up to put her to bed. when suddenly there was an earth shattering crack and they could feel someone forcing their way through the wards, someone they were very familiar with, Lord Voldemort. the dark wizard that had been hunting them for nearly a year, had finally found them. 

James shot to his feet and turned on his heels to Lily, "Lily, take Xinia, go!"

Lily, in fear, nodded turned and ran tears falling from her eyes, but James did not see them, as he had already turned back, his own tears falling, back to the door, wand raised ready for his final duel, prepared to die. 

A light shined through the keyhole of the front door, and it swing open, nearly comes off its hinges. sweeping through the door, garbed in dark robes, a man, with pale, sickly skin, shining red, serpent like eyes, plagued by madness. 

James knew that there would be no way that words would ever be able to break through whatever madness had taken him, so he decided to skip them and jump straight to fighting, he sent the first spell, and the second, and the third, what spells didn't matter, as his adversary simply blocked them, then, with a single curse, he ended it, "Avada Kedavra!" James fell backwards nearly instantly, his wand arm flying up, sending his wand somewhere behind him, landing on his back, arms splayed out beside him, his eyes closing as he fell, with his death, he moved on from this world, satisfied.

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