The deal

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"I'm listening" Harry was truly considering whatever this being had in mind for him. He wasn't surprised for multiple reasons, one being that the toad managed to become minister of magic, the other being the old stories he read, the tale of three brothers in particular, one of whom believed to be his ancestor,  and the Hallows, one of which he had with him,  the other two allegedly belonging to him, though not in his possession.

After Umbridge, he could believe anything

"become my master, my champion, and you will be free from fates clutches." he spat out the name of the other entity as a snarling hiss, so full of hate and spite that harry, who had not flinched in years, drew back. 

Harry regained his bearings, after learning about Dumbledore's manipulations, he always was wary around those offering something to him. "what's in it for you, what do you want from me"

deaths face drew into a smile, but not a malicious one most would expect from such a being, but a smile that one gives when a complicated plan comes to fruition, one you would see on a mentor impressed and pleased with their student, a smile from a parent that was proud of their child. 

"simply accepting your place as my master would be enough"

Harry wasn't impressed, "so you want me to become a puppet, do your chores at your beck and call, stop speaking in circles, tell me everything, now."

Death practically deflated at the lack of decorum and flatness of Harrys voice.

"wow, you're worse than Ignotus, fine then have it your way, one, I want to give fate the finger, why, cause she's a bitch, two, I'm bored, three what kind of deity would I be if I let you die like this. And you deserve a second chance."

"How will being your master give fate the finger." this was also some thing Harry desperately wanted to know, he needed to know exactly why this being would give him such an offer.

"As my master, you would be protected by the machinations of other deities, you would be free to write your own story, this also applies to the people around you, your mere presence in the world would negate fates control, you would truly be free. As to why I don't like her, she's a pompous upstart little shit who thinks that she's the shit. were going to put her in her place."

death then starts mumbling about little brats younger than him not giving him the respect he deserves, before harry interrupts him.

"the Deal?"

Death snapped out of it and cleared his throat "oh yes, you go back in time, to the day your parents died, keep in mind some things will change to make sure I don't get bored and to keep you on your toes, cant have you going soft on me. you get the advantage of me and some free advice, the deathly hallows straight from the get-go, as well as full, unrestricted memory of the past. However, this will change your currently neutral magic signature into a dark magic signature, permanently, you also will have to start over in magic theory, technique, and capacity. This also means that darker creatures will naturally like you and even obey you in some circumstances, healing magics will be impossible for you, creatures of light will be wary around you, including kneazles who are unaccustomed to your presence, some other stuff that will come up later, but most importantly, psyche will become colder, darker, more like a true Slytherin, which you were supposed to be in the first place." Death says somewhat bitterly.

Harry listened and nodded his head in understanding, he found those terms rather favorable

suddenly, everything started regaining color and movement, Death looked around and cursed

"Harry you have to make a choice now fate is trying to have you killed as to force my hand, hurry"

Death started to fade and reached out a hand, Harry, in a split second decision Harry reached out to take it, the hand nearly blinked out of existence when harry made contact, their hands enclosed, and they sealed the deal with a handshake.

death smiled and deadly smile that spelled nothing but trouble of cataclysmic proportions.

"good luck, Xinia Harriet Potter"

"wait, hold on a minute what,        Are you,                                                                         



Harry, or rather Xinia, fell unconscious, the last thing she saw was Deaths smug mug looking back at her with a mischievous smile, 

THAT SCHEMING BASTaRD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Mistress of Death (Unoriginal, I know)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt