Chapter 5: A Funeral and A Feud

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"We gather here today to mourn the loss of the beloved Viola Adelia Van Dort, A kind, intelligent and genuine young woman who wanted nothing more than to fill the world with music." A man's voice rang out in the middle of a grassy clearing.

Surrounded by a group of other mourners, (Y/n) stood silently and looked to the ground as she listened to the pastors speech.

"In her passing, Viola leaves behind her devoted family and fiancé. Their love for her knew no boundaries and their hearts will never be the same with her gone. You will be missed by all, my child... may you find peace in your journey to your next destination and may you be surrounded by beautiful melodies. "

The pastor bowed his head in respect as he moved aside to let people place flowers onto Viola's coffin. One by one, the guests all paid their condolences before going back to their spots.

After Alistair and her parents placed down their flowers, (Y/n) approached with a violet held tightly in her hand. Hesitating for a moment, she took a shaky breath before placing the purple bloom down on the pile of blossoms.

"I wish you were still here...." (Y/n) muttered sadly as she made her way back to the rest of her family.

Tuning the rest of priests words out, she silently cried as the coffin was slowly and delicately lowered into the ground, knowing she would never be able to see her best friend again.


"Darling... are you awake?" Victoria called gently as she and Victor opened the door into the darkened room. When the pair got no response, she began to further push the entryway until she caught sight of (Y/n) lying in bed with her eyes wide open.

"(Y/n), it's time for dinner. We're having your favorite tonight... would you like to join us?"

"I'm not hungry, Mother... maybe later...." (Y/n) mumbled as the older couple sat down on the edge of the mattress. Victor rested a hand on hers as he began to question her.

"Dove, why won't you eat?..."

"I just dont want to right now, Papa. Have Hildegarde send some food up later, if you must...."

"Please, sweetheart, you have to eat something, It's been almost a week. We're worried about you."

"I appreciate the concern but I am fine! Please, just leave me be!" (Y/n) shouted slightly as she sat upright.

"(Y/n), your father's right... Ever since the funeral, you've been acting different...." Victoria stated as she stood up.

"I said I was fine, alright?! Why can't that just be enough?!"

"Because you cant just hide here in your room forever, (Y/n)!" A deep voice boomed from the door way.

All three of the remaining Van Dorts turned to see Alistair, firmly situated in the doorway with tears falling down his face.

"You're not eating because you don't want to see that empty spot where Viola used to sit. None of us do! Nobody wants to hear the silence instead of her laughing at a joke or not see her reading in her armchair. We want her to be here but she's gone!" The dark haired man barked, walking into the room with a stomp.

"I know that it hurts to not have your sister here anymore, but you're not the only one that lost her that day! Your parents lost their first born daughter and I lost the only woman I will ever love! I KNOW! So quit acting like a child and listen to your mother and father for their sakes and Viola's sake!"

The room grew soundless as Alistair's words hung heavily in the air. The tension slowly grew before a single voice broke through the emptiness.

"You don't know anything.... none of you knew Viola like I did! She was my best friend, she told me everything! Even if I'm just a so-called child, You will never be as close to her as I was!" Shrieked (Y/n) before she bolted past Alistair with a push.

The man stared with wide eyes for a moment before rushing towards the sprinting girl as fast as he could!

"No, wait! Please, (Y/n), I didn't mean it, I was just angry! I'm so sorry!"

"I don't care! I don't want to see any of you ever again!"

The distraught girl darted through the halls and out into the night as fast as she could, ignoring the pleas of her family behind her. Running past buildings and homes and over the stony bridge, she shot towards the graveyard as quick as humanly possible.

Once she arrived, she advanced past many tombstones until she saw her sisters lone marker close in the distance.

Rapidly growing closer, she finally came to a stop when she stumbled on a patch of rocks.

With a hiss of pain, she slowly dragged herself over to Viola's grave and ran her hand over the writing.

"Please! Please, you have to come back! I dont want to live if you aren't here with me!" (Y/n) begged as she grabbed ahold of the stone.

The wind began to howl in the trees, whipping around her as she cried out to the air. Leaves and dust spun around her as she fell to the ground with eyes half-closed and tears running down her cheeks.

"Please, Vi, I need you back..." (Y/n) whispered as the wind picked up speed, circling around faster than ever before everything went dark.

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