Chapter 3: News of Tragedy

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"So that's it then?... There's nothing he can do?"

"No, dear, I'm afraid not. It's too far advanced to cure it. I'm so, so sorry, Viola. I wish I could stop it."

"You have nothing to be sorry for, Papa. You did everything you could." Viola said as she held onto her father's hand. He chuckled sadly as he bit back a sob.

"You're always so positive, dove. Even in the face of disaster."

"I have to be. I can't let fear take over my life, now can I?" Viola smiled serenely as she squeezed Victor's hand.

"No, I don't suppose you can. I've got to go find your mother, but I want you to know I love you very much, dear."

"I love you too, Papa. Goodbye." Viola waved as her father walked out of the door.

Not long after, (Y/n) and Alistair quietly stepped in and moved next to her bedside.

"I'm going to assume that the two of you already know what's going on?" Viola asked the two as they sat down in silence.

"Yes, my love, we know."

"Please don't be upset, beloved. It's going to be alright."

"I know it will, I just... I just don't want to lose you..." Alistair replied to a pale Viola as tears began to fall down his face.

"You won't lose me. I'll still be with you all, you just won't be able to see me anymore. I'll be there even if you don't know it."

"Do you promise me?"

"Of course I do. I love you too much to lie to you, darling." Reassured Viola as she held his face with one of her hands. Alastair leaned into her touch before he placed the most gentle kiss on her palm.

He stood up, held Viola's hand in his and bowed to the two girls before going out the door to leave them alone together. Viola turned her head to the younger girl before her eyes became worried.

"(Y/n), I know something else is bothering you."

"You're dying and you think there's something bothering me?" the younger girl chuckled incredulously as her older sister gazed at her.

"I know you, (Y/n). Please tell me what's wrong."

"You should already know whats wrong! I don't want you to leave."

"Oh, (Y/n), I don't want to go either, but sometimes we have to do things we don't want, even if it's painful."

"It isn't fair, though... It should have been me instead..." (Y/n) whispered  morosely as she began to cry.

"Don't say that! I would never wish this upon anyone else, especially not you! I might not deserve this, but neither do you." Viola comforted (Y/n) as she moved over to allow her sister to sit by her on the bed. (Y/n) crawled up and leaned her head on Viola's shoulder, who wrapped her arms around her in return.

"I promise you, everything will be alright. Yes, I'm dying, but sometimes things like this just happen. They don't need a reason to be, they just are. But, it's going to be okay in the end. I swear." Viola explained as she placed a kiss on (Y/n)'s forehead. (Y/n) sniffled and buried her head in her sisters neck.

"What am I going to do without you, Viola?" (Y/n) asked softly.

"My silly girl, don't worry. You're going to do extraordinary things without me. I know it." 

"How can you be so sure?"

"I just am. Now, I think you should go... Mother and Father need you more than I do." Viola urged her sister with a tight hug, which was reciprocated immediately. (Y/n) got out of the bed before trudging over to the door. Before she left the room, she turned to take one last look at her sister.

Viola had turned towards her window, watching some unknown object off in the distance. A bit of sunshine started to gleam through the glass, landing directly on Viola's face. She smiled a little bit before laying back and enjoying the warmth. (Y/n) held back another cry and almost began sprinting down the hallway to go back to her own room. The moment she closed the door behind her, she fell onto her bed and began to sob heavily, tears falling down her face as she cried into her arms.

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