Chapter Two A New Reality to Light

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Chapter Two A New Reality to Light

“What am I going to do?! What am I going to do?!” Kathrin said to herself as she paced back and forth in her apartment, her friends where back at their own home she didn’t, couldn’t, contact them. What could she say to them?

 That she somehow came across a magic spell that turned a pharaoh who had been dead for thousands of years back to life through some kind of gold dust by breaking the stone that she was holding.

Yeah that was totally believable. Not.

So what could she do? The person was in her spare bedroom out like the dead, and showed no signs of waking up any time soon. This man, was he really Tutankhamen?

“Ugh this has to be impossible…” But then again he doesn’t seem like a normal person… as she thought this she looked back to where he was sleeping as he rolled over on to his side. And what’s worse I brought this man into my house… she clutched the sides of her hair. What the hell was I thinking!?

She wasn’t thinking really, her mind was racing and she somehow managed to get him to her apartment. Just what in the name of all that was holy was she thinking? Was she crazy?

The fact that she brought a random guy into her house was insane enough but to add on to the notion that this was right after people tried to steal Tutankhamen, when in reality, she did instead!

Or was it just some trick of the light to make her think it’s what she saw?

Then her cell phone rang making her heart jump into her throat. As she tried to relax she looked to the caller ID it was Nick.

“Hey are you okay?” she demanded right when Kathrin picked up.

“Ah… um yes, what’s wrong?”

“There was an incident that happened here, some people broke in and knocked out the guards.”

“Really? Are they okay?”

“Yeah they’re fine, but what about you? Are you okay? Sarah and I freaked when we heard what happened, we thought you might be one of the fatalities.”

That last word made her froze. “Fatalities…? People… people died?”

“Two, it’s believed that they were with the robbers that stole the Sun Stone. Your grandfather came in this morning to find the Sun Stone stolen along with some of the jewelry that belonged to the mummy.”

“And what about the mummy itself?” she asked eyeing the young man who was still sleeping in the spare room.

“Oh that, you’re grandfather said that it was okay, it had been moved to the store house for protection.”

The storehouse?!

But that wasn’t true; she had seen the mummy plain as day when those thieves tried to steal the Sun Stone.

“Kathrin you still there?”

“Hmm? Oh, yes I am sorry.” As her friend continued to talk about what happened at the museum Kathrin glanced into the room as the young man slept.

“…Anyway, I’m just glad that you’re okay.”  Nick said drawing Kathrin’s attention again. “But you’re okay right?”

“I’m fine.”

“…Okay.” She said after a long moment. “Sarah and I will be coming by later today just to make sure things are alright with you, it’s not like we don’t believe you when you say that you’re fine we just want to reassure ourselves… and your grandfather too… he’s a bit worried so you should call him too when we hang up.”

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 06, 2012 ⏰

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