-> chapter 7

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"do you just so, uhm..."

junhwi started speaking, a little awkwardly- minghao would admit, "just so happen to be chinese?"

the younger turned to him with a slightly confused face, "why do you ask?"

"just... wondering," he gave an awkward smile to match his awkward aura. it was honestly a little funny how awkward he was, but minghao didn't really pay much attention to anything at the moment.

"yeah, i am," he spoke briefly.

"that's cool," junhwi nodded, "i mean- i am too. and that's why it's cool. because like i can kinda relate to you in a way,"

minghao gave a small half-laugh, "yeah, i guess you can,"

a less awkward smile blossomed on junhwi's face, "do you think it'd be easier to talk in chinese?"

it didn't even take a second for minghao to nod- his korean was literal shit and hed do anything to switch to chinese.

"my actual name is wen junhui- and i actually go by that more often," he spoke, finally speaking in the two's native language.

"xu minghao,"

"so, xu minghao," he smiled as minghao's name rolled off his tongue, "tell me about yourself,"

"there's not much to say," he admitted sheepishly. and don't we have a project to work on? he joked inside his head with a smile. on the outside, he just kept a pretty much blank face, though if you really examined it, you'd be able to see some slight happiness in his eyes.

"you're so quiet all the time, i'm sure you've got something interesting to talk about,"

he shook his head. tell me about yourself, minghao spoke inside his head. it was honestly refreshing to talk to someone that wasn't just jisoo (no offense, jisoo). while the him inside his mind got a nice conversation with junhui about his life, the real life him turned to his computer, "i'm going to work on the project,"

junhui pouted at the disappointing responses, "fine,"

the talking cut out for a while, minghao started to spare glances at junhui. the older was just working on his project- which minghao was also trying to do. after a bit, jun seemed to take notice.

"by the way, why didn't you text me last night?" he mentioned, though he didn't seem mad.

"o-oh..." despite junhui's smile and light tone, minghao didn't take it as junhui was trying to present it, "i'm sorry. it must've slipped my mind,"

"oh, no, no, no, it's fine," his eyes went wide when he realized that minghao had gotten uncomfortable, "just was wondering,"

minghao nodded, and junhui continued.

"i just wanna talk to you more, and i don't have your number, so,"

another small nod.

"you seem uncomfortable," he pouted. "and really, really quiet,"

"i'm just quiet," he spoke, "i'm not uncomfortable,"

he didn't seem like he believed minghao's response but nodded, "let me know if i make you uncomfortable,"


"it's not my intent," he said, "i just think it'd be nice if we could be friends, you know?"

a small nod.

"do you happen to have an instagram account?" junhui questioned out of the blue.

"oh- no, i don't,"

"that's weird," he gave a kind of frown, "you're probably the only kid in the grade that doesn't have one,"

"i mean there's not really a point,"

"you can meet people online! and see what your friends are doing,"

"i don't think that's necessary,"

"if you don't want to start one then i won't force you to," junhui realized that he might've come off as pushy.

minghao didn't know how to respond.

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