Trip To ✨LA✨🖤

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A/n: HIIIIIIIII I'm getting tired of putting "y/n's Pov" and "Duke's POV" so when it's y/n's pov I won't put it!!👁💧👄💧👁. But when you Don't see someone's POV then it's y/n. And btw y/f/c= your favorite color. Okay Love you guys!!!

I'm  at Duke's place and  we are doing a Q and A. He's setting up the YouTube video. "Y/n You ready for the Q and A?" "Yep!" We Start filming. He does an intro or whatever 😌. "Okay First question: What's y/n's favorite color?"  "it's y/f/c" I take Duke's phone and Read the next question. "How many pets does y/n you have?" I chuckle "uhhhh I have 1 dog and he's in pain in my butt" Duke chuckles. We keep reading questions and then it gets to one question.... we both sigh. "Here's the question y'all all have been waiting for!" He looks at me. I read the question "are you guys dating?" Duke looks at me. "So are we y/n?" I shrug "idk" we both laugh and say at the same time. "Yes we are dating! We started dating last week" all the fans in the comments are like: OMGGGG SHIPPPPP and some are like: YOU ARE SO LUCKY Y/N🥺. He scrolls through and likes some comments. It's later that evening , Duke and I take a walk. :) it's kinda quiet for awhile. I finally manage to speak up. "Baby" "yeah?" Replies Duke. "Do you have to go to LA?" Duke grabs my hand. "Yeah I'm gonna visit my friends!" I sigh "I'm gonna miss you" Duke stops walking and stops me from walking. "Then come with me" he kisses my head and pulls me into a hug.  I blush and hug back."you sure babe?"

Duke's POV
I smile and grab two tickets out of my back pocket. "Surprise!" Y/n kisses me and I kiss back. "Snskjsk omgggg" I smile "so you wanna come?" She nods and jumps on me. I catch her and kiss her again. "Yayyyyy!!" She kisses back. I carry her back to my place.

*timeskip to a few days later*
I pull into y/n's driveway. She comes out with 2 bags. "How much stuff do you need?" She shrugs "I'm a girl Duke what do you expect" She puts her bags in the trunk and we head to the airport. She puts on Yellow hearts by Ant Saunders. Me and her sing along. "Babe" she says. "Yeah?" I reply. "Can we get Starbucks?" "Y/n I just drove by Starbucks! We can get some when we get to the airport" she nods. We get to the airport and go through security and all that ✨Jazz✨.

A/n: for example this is gonna be a part where I don't have "someone's POV" so it's y/n's. And also Y/f/sb/d= your favorite Starbucks drink.

I grab Duke's hand as walk through the airport. We stop at Starbucks. "Hot chocolate With pumpkin spice?" I ask him. "You know it babe" I order Duke's Drink and y/f/sb/d. We then sit at our gate waiting to be boarded onto the plane. One girl comes over and yells "OMGGGGG DUKE DEPP!" Duke chuckles "that's me" "can I get a picture!?!" "Ofccc! Y/n mind taking a picture of us?" Says duke. I roll my eyes a little and take the picture of Duke and the Fangirl. An announcement comes on and says flight 256 is now boarding. "That's us" I say. The fangirl hugs duke and duke hugs the fangirl back. "Byeeee Willy Wonka!" She says "goodbye my dear child" he says. We get onto the plane. I look out the window. "You okay y/n?" Asks Duke. "Yeah I'm fine" we takeoff. I lean on Duke's shoulder. "Mind if I sleep on you?" I ask. "No no of course not! Go ahead" I smile and fall asleep on Duke. We land and walk out of the airport to wait for Tati.

The boy next door ( Willywonkatiktok/ Duke depp x reader)Where stories live. Discover now