Going through a haunted house🤡😳

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Duke's POV :)
It's been a few months now since me and y/n have been constantly hanging out. The more I hang out with her. The more I catch feelings for her.....I need to find a way to tell her. I hope she feels the same way. We are about to hang out! We are going to a haunted house today....I pick her up and I get out of the car to greet her. She runs over to me and jumps on me. "DUKEYYYYYYY" I laugh and catch her.
A/n: hi y/n/n means your nickname :). If you don't have one make up one I guess lol
"Y/n/n!!!!" I say. I set her down and we get in the car. "Can I play some music?" She asks me. "Yeah sure!" She hooks up her phone to my car. She plays Amy Winehouse. "Good choice" I say. She smiles at me and I smile back. "Hey wanna go and grab some Starbucks??" I ask. "Hell yeah!" She says. I drive to Starbucks. "What do you want y/n?" "Hot chocolate with pumpkin spice!!!" She says. I smile and order two of them. I drive to the haunted house. "Duke if I jump on you I'm sorry" I laugh "it's fine but same here" she laughs. "I will probably drop you!" We finally get to the haunted house!!
Y/n's POV
Welp here we are at the haunted house....We give them our tickets. We walk into the haunted house. I grab duke's hand and he lets go and completely grabs my arm. As we walk through. We scream and scream and scream. "I love your little girl scream" "shut uppppp" says duke. I laugh then we get to this one point of the haunted house.... something pops out and grabs my arm. I scream so loud. Duke does too..... then there's moaning...... "ewwwww who's moaning?" Says duke. "Omg seriously Duke!" We both laugh. We get done with the haunted house. "What now?" Says Duke. "Idkkkkk" "hmmm we should go out to dinner?" "OLIVE GARDEN!!!" "I like your taste y/n!" I smile "I know😌" we go to Olive Garden. We talk about the haunted house. "Do people ship us or something? I have seen a lot of ship edits on fyppp" duke nods "yup" I blush "wow" duke blushes too. "Speaking of that I need to tell you something" he says. I look into his beautiful hazel eyes🥺. "What's up?" I say "I LIKE YOUUUUUU" I process what he says. "OMGGGG I LIKE YOUUUUUU TOOOOOO!!" He smiles and I smile back. After Olive Garden.. we go back to my place. Willy the third jumps on duke. "Hi" he pets him. I take Duke to my room. I forgot I had a willywonkatiktok picture I printed out on my wall. "Fuck don't look at that" Duke just laughs "hahaha it's okay y/n Your probably not the only one" I smile and wrap my arms around him. He puts his arms around my waist. I look up at him and kiss his lips softly. He kisses back. He picks me up sits down on the bed then sets me on his lap without breaking the kiss. We make out.........!!!!!
A/n: Snskjsk you're welcome I left you on a cliffhanger!!! Anyways I thought of this because he did that one YouTube video 😂. But yeah! Okay love y'all bye! I'm sorry I had to put the "ewwwww who's moaning" part because I died at it so much

The boy next door ( Willywonkatiktok/ Duke depp x reader)Where stories live. Discover now