Watching the sunset🌝💙

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Y/n's POV
We drop off willy the third. "Hi Duke!" My mom says. "Oh- Uh hi?" He replies. I just walk away  and grab Duke's hand. "Come on!!" Duke follows me. "So y/n how long have you been a fan?" He laughs "since you started-" he smiles "does anyone know you live next door to me??" I shake my head. "My online friends know I live in Utah that's about it" he just smiles and his tone of  voice changes  "don't go around exposing my personal life please!!!!" He says. I smile "Omgggg of course I won't!!!! You can trust me Duke!!" He smiles back "good" we eventually get to  the park in our neighborhood. I become kinda  quiet... Duke waves his hand in front of my face. "Yo! Y/n!" "Ahhhh!" Duke Just laughs. "Could I have your number?" He asks me. I think HOLY SHIT DID DUKE FREAKING DEPP JUST ASK FOR MY NUMBER!!!!?? I finally answer "yes yes yes yes!" He hands me his phone and I type my number in. "I'll text you later now let's just go and sit over there" I nod and follow him. We sit up on a huge hill in the park.

I get a text from my mom
A/n: ✨ means mom
✨: y/n where are you?
Y/n: with Duke 😌 at the park
✨: okay sweetheart
Y/n: I'm 19 mom!!! I don't need your supervision all the time!
✨: I know I know

"Sorry my mom texted me" Duke just nods "it's okay" I look up at the sky and get up. "Let me take a picture of you and the sunset" duke gets up "okay!" I pull out my phone and take a picture of him and the sunset. "So?" I show him the picture. "Your so talented!" I scoff "not as good as you" he puts his hand on my shoulder. "Hey that doesn't matter! I think it's perfect!!" That causes me to blush a little. "Thanks Duke! That means a lot" he smiles "yeah no problem" we sit back down and watch the sunset.

Duke's POV
I watch the sunset with y/n. I know I just met her a few hours ago but I think I'm falling for her..... She looks at me "daddy wonka...." she whispers. I laugh and reply "yes my dear child" in my willy voice. "Oh- you heard that-" she says. "Haha yeah I don't care tho I'm use to it" she giggles a little. I decided wrap my arm around her. She smiles and I smile back. She moves closer to me. I start blushing a little.... "it's so beautiful" she says. "Yeah it is but you're more beautiful" I say while smiling. Her whole face gets red. "Snskjsk thanks! But Snskjsk did willywonkatiktok just call me beautiful! Jbjsbjsb" I smile and laugh "he sure did! Haha yeah" I do the haha yeah in the willy voice. She smiles. "We should get home" I say as I stand up. She nods "yeah we should" She says and stands up. As we walk back she looks down and says "oh btw Duke" "yeah?" I ask "the scream you heard earlier was me....bc you said my name when I sent you a concert🌝" I just laugh "yeah I figured" "I have to wash this hoodie but the lettering is falling off :(" I look at her "I can give you a new one" "wait really?!?" I nod "yeah of course! I will give to you tomorrow" she smiles. We get back to our houses. "Bye Daddy Wonka!" I laugh "bye y/n" she hugs me and I hug her back. I go into my house and go live🌝✌🏻. Y/n joins and sends me a legendary. "THANKS Y/n! FOR THE LEGENDARY HOPE YOUR DOING GOOD!" I hear her little screech from her room. I laugh a little.

The boy next door ( Willywonkatiktok/ Duke depp x reader)Where stories live. Discover now