The surprise 🫶

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Duke's POV
I've been thinking about taking y/n on another surprise date. And maybe do something even more special and romantic. But she doesn't seem interested in going anywhere anymore. So it may be difficult to get her out of the apartment.I'm laying in bed looking at my phone whenever all of sudden y/n comes over takes my phone out of my hands and gets on top of me. "Oh hi babe" I say. She doesn't reply and just gives me neck kisses. I smile and let her kiss my neck. "Princess ... what's going on?" She gives me a small hickey ( oops sorry not sorry) and kisses my lips, I kiss back. "I'm fine" she says. "Wanna go to the movies with me later?" I ask. "Why can't we just watch a movie here?" She replies. I think fuckkkkk. "Hmmmmm we'll do you wanna maybe see a new movie that came out??? That we can't watch on Netflix" "okay baby whatever you want. I'll go" "really ??" She nods and smiles. I smile back and give her a squeeze. She gives me a little squeeze back. "Go and get ready love" she nods and gets ready. She comes out with this outfit:

^^^ the outfit "Adorable " I say she blushes

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^^^ the outfit
"Adorable " I say she blushes

A/n: it's now y/n's POV and sorry if this seems a little bit rushed

Duke is taking me to the movies tonight and it's been awhile since we've gone on date so it's nice. After the movie I fall asleep on the ride home or so I think we're going home but we're actually not cause I can feel it that we aren't going home. I wake up to him parking. "Why are we at the Hollywood sign?" I ask. He just smiles and kisses me. I kiss back and follow him out. We cuddle in front of the Hollywood sign and I drift off to sleep again.

*time skip to a few hours later*
Duke is mumbling to himself as if he was nervous about something so I fake sleep to try and make out what he's saying. "Y/n will you-" "no no thats dumb" "y/n you are the love of my life and I wanna spend the rest of my life with you-" "too cheesy" I giggle a little. "Ahhhhhhhhh shit! How long have you been awake" "awhile" "you you heard nothing right?" "Sure" he sighs and gets on one knee. "Well you heard my cheesy first part so will you marry me?" I tear up a bit and nod my head. "YESSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "Haha yeah" He says in Willy Wonka's voice 😵.

A/n: lmfaoo Yas they engaged. Now it'll probably take me forever to write a new chapter cause I get distracted or just forget. But I'll try my best to update.

The boy next door ( Willywonkatiktok/ Duke depp x reader)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt