Amnesia? [CH 5 Edited]

33 2 5

Black's POV

I rubbed my arm gently across my stiff face, squinting at the bright lights that shone above my bed. It must've been what we'd call the equivalent of morning time, meaning it was time for another day of work. I heaved as I slipped out of bed and approached my desk which my suit rested on and quickly got dressed up. Glancing behind me I noticed that Yellow was already gone, at least she was an early riser and I didn't have to put up with waking her up. Stepping outside into the hall I was immediately greeted by ramming into Cyan.
"Watch where you're going idiot." Cyan snapped as he recovered from the minor shock of impact, before storming off down the hall.
"What an asshole. Is this what Yellow had to put up with before this?" I mused under my breath. Part of me almost felt a little bad for her, if those were the type of people she was working with it suddenly made her snappy reactions from last night and her seeming desire to not make mistakes make a lot more sense. Maybe it wouldn't hurt to be a tad bit less harsh on her. I entered into the cafeteria and as per usual everyone else was pretty much awake already getting breakfast. I noticed Red had Yellow and Cyan pulled aside to talk, probably walking them through their first official tasks.

Cautiously I approached, not wanting to trigger whatever anger Yellow was going through last night and as I had thought Red was just finishing up his spiel about tasks.
"How about I help Yellow with her tasks today? I can still do my own while keeping an eye on her." I offered out of the blue, why.. why did I do that?
Red eyed me cautiously, knowing me as well enough to know that I'd never offer something like that before.
"Er, I mean if we're roommates shouldn't I at least make some effort to get to know her and like be nice?" It was a shitty excuse, but it really was the only way I could think to justify it.
"If Yellow is ok with it and you both can get all your tasks done, I don't see why I would say no..?" He hesitantly responded, before turning to Yellow for a reaction. She merely shrugged her shoulders and muttered an "I guess so" under her breath just loud enough for us to hear.
"Well then it's settled, be my guest. Cyan if you would like to find yourself someone to pair with as well for the day then you can ask around, otherwise I'm not gonna force you. I trust you can be fine on your own." With that said, Red turned around and walked off towards White who had a couple of trays for them. I walked over to the kitchen area and grabbed myself and Yellow a tray, bringing it back to her and motioning for her to join me to eat.

"Is something wrong?" Yellow asked suddenly as we were taking a seat. I quirked a brow in a questioning manner as I took off my helmet.
"You seemed to dislike my existence yesterday and now you want to spend the day with me and you asked me to eat at the same table as you, I was worried you may have caught a cold." She fumbled with the collar of her suit while poking at some of her food.
"No I actually was more concerned about you, you were really pissed last night for some reason. I had a run in this morning with Cyan, that dudes got a real nasty attitude. Did you have to put up with that all the time before you got on this ship?" I prodded, this time with a less antagonizing tone than I used before. She froze for a few moments seeming to think of her answer, she kept her helmet on while eating so I couldn't see her face so I assumed she probably looked contemplative.
"I- don't remember... it feels fuzzy to try and think about whatever happened before getting on the ship." She finally answered, very quietly as she did so.
"You don't remember? At all? What like you have a sudden case of amnesia or something?" Her answer was rather frustrating to me, nobody just suddenly develops amnesia unless that fall from her bed last night did a lot more than I thought it would've done.
"I suppose so yea, I know it sounds weird but I just can't really think of it. The most I can tell you at least is that I agree, I don't get a very nice feeling whenever he's around. So I can assume that he probably was an ass long before we got here." She looked down and started eating in silence, I didn't blame her. Sounds like she's going through a lot. We finished the rest of our breakfast in silence.

"I'll take the trays back to the kitchen, wait for me by whatever door is closest to your first task and then we can head out." I said, taking Yellow and I's trays. She nodded in acknowledgement before standing up and walking away. I took a few moments during that walk to think about our conversation. It was unlike me but I really did feel something akin to what was probably worry. I wasn't so sure what was special about her compared to everyone else I've worked with since getting this job but she's different somehow, I'm not sure if I can trust her yet, but the least I can do is try and be a little kinder. There's a lot more going on behind that helmet than I gave her credit for. Now headed back towards where Yellow was waiting, I approached with a more relaxed demeanor, trying to seem less intimidating.
"Alright, where to first?" I asked, motioning to the hallway that was before me. Yellow nodded her head and started walking, me following close behind. Hopefully today ends up being an interesting day.

आप प्रकाशित भागों के अंत तक पहुँच चुके हैं।

⏰ पिछला अद्यतन: Jul 01, 2021 ⏰

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