Can't Sleep? [CH 4 Edited]

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[Yellow's Point of View]

I felt what little exposed skin I had prickle in the night's cold; space, in general, is cold to traverse and there is only so much that can be done to keep the inside of the ship at a reasonable temperature. This is why most of the others keep their spacesuits on all the time except for during showering or sleep, it's a little extra source of warmth.  The wall before me was blank, but it made for a decent enough staring contest partner as I lay tiredly awake, thinking over the day and what the next day would bring me. Red informed Cyan and me that tomorrow we officially begin having tasks of our own, nothing too difficult for the first few days but enough to have our fair share of the work. I yawned and rolled onto my back, feeling a twinge as the already stiff skin on my cheeks was pulled tighter, it wasn't painful for me anymore to be more expressive but for a long time it was, back when the scars on my body were all fresh. I gently turned my head to observe some of the other areas in the room. My shared bedroom consisted of two desks, two beds, and some lounge furniture between the beds, I presume the rest of the rooms were the same way. The lounging furniture consists of a simple table with a couple of chairs, good for playing card games, though I don't think I'll be doing much of that with someone like Black as my roommate.

I paused when that thought crossed my mind, I wasn't quite sure why I kept thinking about her, I know my feelings well enough after living in my body for so long, when I see her I get uncomfortable, uncomfortable in the same way that I do when it comes to Cyan.  I know earlier I was telling White that I don't think Black is really as tough as she tries to put out, but that doesn't really mean I care to try and go any deeper. Though looking back on it, I don't really remember why I feel so uncomfortable around Cyan either, I could've sworn just this morning I knew a lot about him but everything feels so distant now... Where am I from?

[Black's Point of View]


I was snapped from my peaceful state of dreamless slumber by a loud thwacking sound, grumbling angrily I turn to locate the source of the disturbance to see Yellow lying on the ground not making any effort to get up or move. Shit, I guess I actually gotta do my job and make sure she isn't dead, I can't have that on my permanent record. "What the hell? Are you alive over there, why are you causing such a ruckus this late at night?" I growled quietly, expecting some sort of dumb response, however, nothing came and she still yet had made no signs of life. "Jesus Christ, I gotta do everything around on this ship." swinging my legs off the edge of my bed I stood and made my way across the room to where Yellow lay and reached out, the moment my hand made contact with her shoulder she immediately woke from whatever trance she was in and quickly recoiled away. She stood up and hopped back onto her bed, curling herself up into a ball facing the wall. "Uhhh... I take it you're fine then?" No response. "Yellow? Listen I don't particularly care if you wanna have some weird freakout moment but if you're gonna do so do it quietly, people are trying to sleep, and don't make a habit of falling out of bed. If you get hurt and become unable to work I'm gonna get in trouble for it for not being a diligent enough roommate." Her shoulders tensed up and her head snapped towards my direction, she still had her helmet on from the day before but I figured she was probably not very happy underneath that tinted visor. "Stay out of my business, you don't know me, I don't know you, leave me alone!" She snapped rather aggressively before turning back towards the wall. 

My mouth hung agape for a few moments as I stared in stunned silence, that was certainly out of character from the quiet peacemaker that joined the crew the past morning. A frown pulled on my face as I grabbed one of the chairs from the center of the room and sat, facing Yellow's back. I knew that there was more than met the eye with her, I suppose I just had to prod in the right places. Nobody keeps secrets from me, there's no person I can't figure out if I actually want to know. "What you can't sleep or something? I'm pretty sure we have pills for that somewhere on this tin can." there was a brief moment of silence before Yellow grumbled and turned halfway to be able to side-eye me if she wanted. "If you really care to know that much then yes, I'm having trouble sleeping. Why don't you mind your own and go back to yours?" I observed her shoulders shake slightly as she was speaking, was she crying? "Well I would but clearly something is bothering you and I don't want to be kept awake by the sound of your pathetic whimpering, so you might as well tell me what's wrong so we both can go to sleep." Once again she stiffened up; "Pathetic whimpering? What do you think I'm crying or something? I'm just cold. It doesn't matter what's keeping me up anyways, you clearly want nothing to do with me so why bother knowing me. Go back to sleep."  With that, she lied down and turned to face the wall once again. Clearly, there was no changing her mind about talking, so I just sighed and returned to my own bed.

Getting myself snug back under my covers I took a silent moment to listen and reflect, sure enough, I didn't hear any crying or stuttering breaths coming from across the room. I guess I really misread some signals here, however, I know for certain now that Yellow is hiding something from me, and as her roommate and nothing more I'm gonna make it my mission to figure out what that is. It's not like I care about her, but I gotta make sure that she isn't hiding anything potentially dangerous from me. That's all. I let out a sigh, readjusting one final time before slipping back into another dreamless slumber.

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