Staying late

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I walk into the museum and into the museum's director's office. He was in his chair but has the back of the chair facing me.

Mr Mcphee: What do you want?

Me: Good morning to you too.

He stumbles and swings the chair around to face me.

Mr Mcphee: Oh Kathy I'm sorry I didn't know it was you. What do you need my dear.

As you can tell he's a kiss ass when around me. He's said over and over again that he loves my work. I guess hes quite a big fan.

Me: I have some extra work that needs to get done tonight I was wondering if I could stay late to finish it.

Mr Mcphee: Of cause my dear you can stay as long as you what to but you do know that there's going to be a new night guard.

Me: Yes I have already met him; I'll keep an eye on him.

Mr Mcphee smiles at me and I leave the room and drop my smile. I actually hate him. The way he calls me dear anoyys me but i wont say anything just in case i get kicked out.

I put my coat in my office and then get to work. A couple of hours later its night and I'm still in the tomb. A couple of minutes later I hear a weird noise so I go down stairs to the main lobby to see what is going on. As I get closer to the desk I see Larry with a phone against his mouth beat boxing which then comes out the specks around the Museum. I look at him cofused and wonder if i should say something, apart if me doesnt want to ruin his fun but the other is telling me to make him stop the horrible sound.

Me: What are you doing?

Larry fumbles around with the phone and then falls over in the chair. I rush over to help him up and he sits back in the chair and I sit next to him on the desk.

Larry: You scared me.

Me: No dur.

Larry: So you managed to stay the night. I surprised that Mr Mcphee would let you stay.

Me: Well when it comes to me he's a kiss ass.

Larry laughs and we continue to talk until we both fall asleep. I wake up when I hear something fall so I look over to see Larry on the floor holding his head. He gets up off the floor and says he going to get a drink. I sit up straight in my chair and stretch before looking around. When I spot that the T-Rex skeleton is gone.

Me: Larry?

Larry tunes around and walks back into the room.

Larry: Yea?

I point to where the T-Rex is supposed to be. Larry looks over to where I'm pointing and then he looks shocked. But that shock turns to confusion.

Larry: CECLE, Ok very funny Cecle.

Larry walks over to the display and waves his hand around it.

Me: What are you doing and how does a T-Rex skeleton just disappear?

I then check my watch we've been asleep for 10 minutes that not enough time to take apart a skeleton that high and leave.

Larry: I don't know? This is weird.

We then hear tricking of water and I stand up out of my seat.

Larry: Stay here.

Larry walks over to the corridors where we hear the water trickling and shines his light down there and the water stops. Larry drops his torch and I hear a ROAR. Larry screams and runs over to me dragging me behind the counter as I see the T-Rex skeleton come towards us. I scream and Larry drags me down to the floor and we hide under the desk. Larry grabs the phone and starts to dial a number as the T-Rex pushes on the desk.

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