The Tablet

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(Outfit is same as last chapter but its at the side or top anyway :) enjoy)

After my days work I wait at the main desk for Larry and Nick to arrive as all the people leave. Soon Larry and Nick walk through the doors and come over to me. I hug Nick and put him on the counter with a hapy smile.

Larry: Can you take Nick into the security office and I'll come and get you two.

I nod my head and help nick down and walk him to the security office. We wait for a while and talk about his school and freinds until Larry comes back. We walk to the mine desk and Me and Nick sit on the counter facing Rexy (the T-Rex).

Me: Best seat in the house.

Nick: What's going on?

Larry: Your goanna think we're crazy so.

Nick: What is it?

Larry looks at his watch.

Larry: You'll see in about 20 seconds. Ok you like the T-Rex.

Nick: Yea.

Larry: Yea we call him Rexy and he's about to come to life, in, 5, 4, 3, 2, Rexy.

Larry points at Rexy but nothing happens. I get off the counter and stair at Rexy.

Nick: Dad?

Larry: Hold on a sec. REXY.

Still nothing happens. I look at rexy confused. What is going on? Is he playing with us?

Nick: Dad, are you Ok?

Me: This is weird.


Larry then walks over to Teddy and his horse Texas and starts hitting the horses behind. I winch a little thinking the horse would kick larry but it didnt. Nothing moved or came to life

Larry: Come one Texas.

Nick gets off the counter and grabs my hand a little scared of his dad's strange behaviour.

Nick: Just stop Ok?

Larry: NO Nicky I'm telling you there's this tablet. It's called the tablet of Ahkmenrah and every night at sundown.

Nick: Now's there's a tablet?

Larry: Yea there is.

Nick: Come on dad?

I then realise something, the museum come to life because of it and since that isn't happening than something must of happened to it. I start to panic. What if i accidently did something to it.

Me: Ahkmenrah's Tomb.

I let go of Nicks hand and run off to the tomb.

Larry: KATHY.

Larry yells as him and Nick run after me. when I get to the tomb I look into it to see no tablet on the wall. I am 100% sure i put ot back. It was right there when i left a hour ago. I run down the corridor and around the coffin looking at the bare wall.

Me: No.. No no no

Larry and Nick run up to me and look at the bare wall as well. I start to cry and Larry hugs me. I so getting fired for this arnt i? And on top of that i wont be able to talk to any of the others again. Theres so much i want yo learn from them and now all that has gone

Me: It can't be gone, it was here when I left it how could it be gone?

I manage to finnaly control myself and Larry lets go of me.

Nick: What's gone?

Me: The tablet of Ahkmenrah. Someone must have stolen it.

I look over to where Nick is but he isn't there.

Me: Nick?

Larry looks around and then heads out the tomb with me by his side. We see him walking down the stairs and Nick says he's going home but when we get to a big window that shows the back of the museum. We all stop and look out the window to see the door open and shadows moving around.

Me: They are not taking that tablet.

I say with bitter words as i storm down the stairs with Larry and Nick at my heals. We get to the loading dock at the back of the Museum and see crates open that shouldn't be open and a cart full of golden objects. Nick walks over to it and picks up the Tablet. I feel relife that is still in the building but who could have done all this?

Nick: Wow.

I was about to walk over to him when the three former night guards walk in.

Cecle: You guys shouldn't be here.

Male B: Give us the tablet son.

I walk over to Nick and hold him in my arms and Larry stands in front of us.

Larry: Wait a minute Nicky. What are you guys doing?

Male: Were not going to hurt you give us the tablet.

I push nick behind me and he clings onto my T-shirt. No way was i going to let these creeps touch nicky or the tablet

Cecle: I'm sorry to tell you this son but your dad doesn't work here anymore. He got fired this morning couldn't hack it.

Nick: Dad I thought you said you weren't fired?

Larry: Nick their lying.

Me: Nicky turn the middle peace and you'll see what we were talking about.

Cecle: That is museum property son now give it back.

Me: You don't work here anymore. I still do. Nick turn the centre peace.

Cecle: Don't do it son.

Nick looks at me and then turns the centre peace and the tablet glows. Nick looks happy yet surprised. I look back over to the old men to see them stretching and looking as healthy as ever. Then we hear the sound of animals and people talking in the museum. It worked. The old men approach us and Larry tells us to run. I grab nick and run out the door but one of the old men grabs me and pulls me back. I tell Nick to run and he does. I walk back words and bump into a crate. I look over at Larry and one of the old guys is beating him up as Cecle walks over to me.

Cecle: I don't want to hurt such a pretty face.

Me: You should be worrying about me hurting you.

Cecle: That's were your wrong. You see we found a few years into the job that like everything in this museum we got new life at night. Sundown to sun rise we felt young again.

Cecle spins around and try's to kick me but I dodge. I bump into another crate and look inside. I smile and pull out two golden Sai's. I flip them in my hands. Cecle smiles and picks up his walking stick before fighting me with it. I was winning until he punches me in the face and my check splits. He hits harder than i thought he would. I fall to the floor and Larry falls next to me. Cecle starts explaining his plan to us and why they stole the tablet. They also said that they placed something in Larry's apartment to make it look like he did it.

Cecle: Come on guys let's go and find that kid.

I try and get up but the old black guy hits me in the head with his walking stick and everything goes dark.

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