Brief Recap!

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A young orphan boy named Dice is unwanted and constantly on the move. What will happen when he finally listens to his friend's advice and chooses to leave the city behind? Is there hope for him in the wild?

A quest awaits him when he gets to Camp Castaway, one that has left corpses of others before him on a mountain where his journey will lead. Will he reach the top and do what no one has done before? Or will he fail and leave the world succumb to darkness?

Note: I do not own some of the pictures, such as the cover. I only own the story line.
Also, this story has not been edited and there are errors! Please do not attack me for that ;-;
Aaaaand there will be things that don't make sense. Even to me. But that's fantasy fiction for ya :)
Before I forget, there is also some profanity. I consider it mild, but it might escalate.
If you are not comfortable with any of these suggested above, please do not read this.
Enjoy the book if you wanna read it! :)

Camp Castaway: Touch of Darkness [DISCONTINUED]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant