It Begins

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Shoto hears his alarm go off and takes a shower while Izuku was still asleep. He exits his shower and puts his clothes on for the day. He was wearing a blue jean shirt, with a white undershirt, and a pair of white jeans. He fixed his hair and put his ring on as soon as he finished. He exited the bathroom and shook Izuku gently.

"Come on Izuku, we will be late for our first day of school. I told you to go to bed last night, and you did not listen like usual. Why are you so damn stubborn?"

Izuku opened his eyes and yawned.

"Because I am dating you, and your stubbornness rubbed off on me. Alright I am up. Let me get ready. How do you know that Kaachan and Kiri are awake? Those two are even more stubborn than you."

Shoto shook his head as he looked at him.

"Because even back in our realm those two were early risers. Unlike you, who loved to sleep all day. Do not deny it either, you know I am right. I will be downstairs waiting, so I can meet Kiri and Katsuki. Do not take too long I mean it."

Izuku sighed as he watched Shoto exit the dorm. Then he took a shower. In his shower he was in deep thought.

'He is not in love with me anymore. Ever since that human girl he saved several times, he has changed so much toward me. He does not look at me with passion anymore, and barely touches me like he used to. We sleep in the same bed and he doesn't even hold me anymore, instead his back is turned toward me as he sleeps.'

~In Kiri and Katsuki's dorm~

Katsuki put on a pair of jeans with his orange flannel, his black tank top and put his ring back on looking at Kirishima as he spiked his hair in his normal style.

"Hey Shitty Hair, do I look like an average college student enough? Maybe I should wear a regular undershirt?"

Eijiro looked at him.

"No Kat you look very handsome indeed. Anyway, the regular undershirt is not your thing, you like to show off. Besides, Shoto specifically said to wear clothes that will help us blend in as humans. Hey, it's not fair."

Katsuki looked at him.

"What the fuck isn't fair? What is your problem Shitty Hair? Why the fuck are you complaining?"

Eijirou looked at his hand.

"You and Shoto have a ring and me and Izuku have a medallion. Why is that? We all should have rings that is so unfair."

Katsuki scoffed at him.

"Because, we are stronger than you two and part of the two main royal families in our realm that is why. Stop your fucking complaining already! I will be downstairs waiting. You are taking too damn long to get ready!"

Katsuki sighed as he exited their dorm and got in the elevator to go downstairs. He was leaning against the wall as he waited for his floor. The doors opened and in walked the two girls from last night. Katsuki looked up and met the eyes of the brown-haired girl from the night before. She smiled at him and her cheeks turned red. The black-haired girl tapped her.

"Ochaco, it is not polite to stare at someone you just met. He does not seem to friendly, be careful. You know what they told us when we left high school, college boys are worse than high school boys."

The elevator doors opened again and in walked Shoto.

"Good afternoon Katsuki. Where is Eijiro?"

He looked at him.

"The fucking Shitty Hair was taking forever to get ready so I decided to wait downstairs for his fucking ass. I am assuming the fucking nerd was no better when you woke up? It is all over your face, though you decided to just walk away. So, like you to avoid confrontations when you can. "

Secret Desires(BNHA Vampire Au)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя