True Awakening?

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Days passed, and Shoto and Katsuki were depressed, worrying about Momo and Ochaco since they bought them to their mothers. Shoto didn't want to be bothered at all by Izuku and would stay in their dorm after class, and start his homework right away aggravating Izuku a lot. Katsuki on the other hand, just paid no attention to Kirishima at all and this started to upset him a lot. He would leave around sundown with Izuku and go to Touya's bar. One night as Shoto was studying for a test, while Izuku was out he couldn't get Momo off his mind, angry at himself for being let off guard by Amethyst disguised as her, the night they made love. As he was studying there was a knock on his dorm door, and he answered seeing Bakugou.

"What if they can't be awaken, then what will happen? It's been literally two days, or maybe more Kat and I haven't heard anything. Izuku has been pissed off at me, and all we have been doing is fighting . What about you and Kirishima?"

Katsuki shrugged.

"Practically the same as you and the fucking nerd. But, when he walks out of our dorm he slams the door making me lose concentration on my damn assignment and I end with a fucking headache. Knowing those two idiots they go to Touya's fucking bar and have fun with lust slaves since we aren't giving them any satisfaction as much as they bother us. "

Shoto sighed as he sat down on his bed, and held his head.

"Why couldn't I revert her back to a damn vampire! I bit her so many times, and she still remained human."

Katsuki scoffed.

"Because you are fucking stubborn and stopped feeding causing you to weaken your fucking powers why else! You as a pure blood vampire should've had no problem turning her back, unless that witch is a lot stronger than we thought, and somehow stole some of your powers. "

Shoto glared at him.

"She didn't steal any of my powers Kat, I am still very strong just have no reason to use my damn powers right now since I don't leave this damn dorm, because I know that bitch is lurking waiting to get me off guard and force me to take her back."

Katsuki chuckled.

"Her, control you! You are fucking kidding me right! You are the future king, and you are talking like this, are you hearing yourself right now! Are you that weak, because of what she did to your future queen, and are going to let her actually get the best of you, especially that little illusion she created making you think you actually bit Momo. Did it ever occur to you that was her intention this whole fucking time!! To make you think you weren't strong enough to undo what the fuck she did to Momo!! The strongest prince in our fucking realm, not strong enough to undo some fucking spell a weak ass needy witch like her cast on a vampire weakened by silver and unable to fight back. Our great prince losing faith in himself because she got the best of him! I don't know you anymore, you make me fucking sick!!"

Katsuki scoffed as he shook his head and slammed Shoto's dorm door.

"Maybe she was right, you have totally forgotten about her and only loved Amethyst. Then again maybe she completely lost faith in the only man she ever loved because he was weakened by a mere witch! I need a fucking drink seeing you this weak is pissing me off!!"

Shoto scoffed as he ran after Katsuki yelling.

"I am not fucking weak, and made myself forget because of what happened to Momo. I should've protected her and maybe she wouldn't be a mortal. This happened to her because I showed weakness, and allowed Amethyst to use her powers on me. I can't forgive myself, and just don't want to remember the pain of losing the only woman I ever loved. I thought I killed her, and don't understand how she survived, unless she was bit by another pure blood vampire the night I thought she died."

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