Chapter 1

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I am peacefully sleeping in my bed until I hear my door being slammed open and my best friend, Dakota, barging in.

"Happy birthday my best of best friend! You are finally 18! How do you feel?" Dakota yells at the top of her lungs.

"Like I need more sleep," I say while pulling my covers over me. Dakota pulls the covers off of me.

"Come on today is a big day...."

"Happy birthday sweetie!" my parents come into my room now.

"Why are all of you guys in my room so early in the morning?" I say putting a pillow to my face.

"Well I guess you don't want your presents huh?" my mom says holding up a birthday card in her hand. I remove the pillow from my face and sit all the way up on my bed.

"I don't mind getting my presents now actually," I say with a smile on my face. They all laugh at me and hand me their gifts. I only got two gifts in total from all of them, and I am extremely happy because I don't need a lot of gifts anyway. I just want something small and meaningful. I open my parent's gift first, and it's just a birthday card. Once I open the birthday card, and a debit card falls out. I read the card and it says, 'Happy birthday sweetie! Here's a prepaid debit card with $100 for food, love you!' I read the card out loud then jump on my parents and hug them

"Oh thank you, thank you! You know I love food" I say hugging them even tighter. When I say I love food, I mean I really love food. I love everything about it, and at any time. Breakfast, lunch, dinner, or dessert.

"No problem baby, now open Dakota's present," my dad says while pointing at the neatly wrapped box. I grab the box and rip it open to find a scrapbook that she made. I open the book and see all of our memories from the last thirteen years. Dakota is my best friend and she is a 5'7 Asian with beautiful, long black hair. She is a very athletic person, she plays basketball and lacrosse for our high school. She is also the next in line to become the pack gamma.

Did I forget to mention that we are werewolves? Well, we are and belong to the dark moon pack. One of the best packs in the united states, and we have around 250 pack members. We have one of the best army around, so we are very well protected and safe here. We are all treated the same around, no one is belittled or talked down to. We all only listen to the ranked people. Alpha, first in command, the leader of the pack and makes all the decisions for the pack. Beta, the second in command and helps out with whatever the alpha needs. Lastly, Gamma third in command and is in charge of the army.

I am just an unranked wolf, and so are my parents. Our jobs in the pack are gathering and hunting. We go out on hunting parties and hunt for any big prey sometimes, or we go out and find herbs and plants. All in all, I love my job in the pack. Not too much work but not enough work. I am happy with my pack and wouldn't change a thing about it.

Anyway, Dakota has had my back and I always have hers. I give her a big hug,

"Thank you, so much this means a lot to me," I say then kiss her cheek and let go.

"Oh sweetie, before we forget your favorite breakfast is ready downstairs, it's everything," my mom said while leaving my room with dad. I hear a beeping noise and know it's my phone. I go and grab my phone off the charger and see it was a text message from Rudi, my boyfriend.

"Hey babe, happy birthday! Love you! Sorry, but I can't make it to school today. Alpha duties that I need to attend to, but I will be at the party tonight. See you then!"

I just reply with an "Okay" Rudi is great, he is the next in line to be the alpha of the pack. We have been dating for about four years now. We met back in sixth grade, thanks to Dakota. We didn't talk much at first just the simple hey and how are you doing. Then he asked for my number, and we started to hang out more. A few years later in the eighth grade, he asked me out and I said yes. Now everybody thinks that we are mates because we are 'madly in love' with each other. I know for a fact that Rudi is very much in love with me and thinks that we are mates. He started to plan our wedding and the names of our kids. At one point in time, I think I did love him, but I am not sure now. When he brings up the future get all uneasy and my wolf, Nina, does too. Rudi is like a brother to me, and I didn't want to hurt his feelings. Today is the day where we will find out if we are mates.

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