Scenario #3 - You're sick

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•  At first he would be like "I told you to bring your umbrella so you wouldn't get wet" and give you a mini lecture but will still be lowkey panicking that you're sick

• He would be really extra caring for you, always making sure that you drink your medicine and that you get to rest in bed all day. He would do everything for you too.

• He would also call his mom and ask for some home remedies to help you feel better faster and you would find it cute and funny at the same time because he's trying so hard :(((

• He would drop everything just so he could stay with you and take care of you even if you keep telling him that he should go to practice instead but once he gives you a pout you instantly give in since you're also really tired and just wanna rest

• He would make you ramyeon since its his favorite food and would always make him feel better so he thought it would make you feel better too and when you're done he would just stay by your side and watch you until you fall asleep


• Wouldn't know what to do at first, would be the type to ask his friends and google for answers on how to take care of someone who is sick

• Would be really worried about you, you feel like he would get sick too because of worrying too much but you manage to calm him down

• Would actually be really good once he calms himself down and he would already know what to do after asking his friends, his mom and google for help. Would make sure that everything around you is quiet too so you could really rest

• Wouldn't leave your side aside from getting you medicine and whatever you need or going to the bathroom until you were feeling better. When you wake up you would see him sleeping by your bedside while holding your hand

• He would feel tired from taking care of you the next day but he doesn't mind at all because he just wants the best for the love of his life


• He wouldn't know what to do, and would instantly call his Heeseung hyung for help and thankfully Heeseung gives him detailed instructions on what to do and what to buy for you. Would also call his grandma and ask for some home remedies that would help you feel better

• Would suggest that you both cuddle but realizes that he might get sick too and if he gets sick he wouldn't be able to take care of you so he just settles in staying at your bedside and talking to you and probably sing you some songs too to help you fall asleep jasdl wat a babie

• He doesn't really know how to cook so he would probably just order in some soup and soft foods or buy the microwavable ones from the stores and heat those up for the both of you. He would also feed you uwu

• He would keep on asking you how you are feeling and tell you that if you are feeling even the slightest discomfort you should tell him right away because he would do anything to make you feel comfortable and well-rested

• He would try to stay up all night so he could check up on your temperature and be ready if ever you need anything but ends up sleeping right after he sees that you've already fallen asleep such a cutie ugh


•  He would totally be freaking out on you and would panic call his mom or noona asking them what to do about your situation and would immediately follow their instructions while still panicking a bit inside

•  After he calms down, he actually knows what to do and would just do everything that his mom does whenever he gets sick and try to copy it as much as he can

•  Would probably crack up some jokes or make some funny faces to keep you distracted and make you feel comforted somehow and you really appreciate how hard he's trying just to make you feel better

• When your temperature rises up a little he would start panicking again and this time would call his hyungs asking what to do then afterwards would be getting an ice pack and some wet cloth to help bring down your fever

•  When you get better he would become really dramatic about him being soooo tired and that you need to pay him back with some hugs and kisses because he says he worked really hard and wants some kind of reward


• Would also be scolding you a bit at first for not following what he told you to do but once he sees you starting to feel worse he would instantly forget he was angry and would be really worried about you

•  Surprisingly, he actually knows what to do and what medicine you would need and would even make you your favorite comfort food since he knows it would make you feel so much better

•  Would immediately cancel all his plans for the day once he knows that you are sick and would dedicate his time to taking care of you, making sure that you drink your medicince and would cook healthy food for you too

•  He would be very strict in terms of making you drink your medicine on time, making sure you sleep and not do anything but rest but when you tug on his arm he would turn into a softie and give you some forehead kisses

•  Once you get better he would keep teasing you that you needed to take care of him now and would ask you for a lot of cuddles because he couldn't cuddle with you when you were still sick


•  He would keep on insisting that you both cuddle together because cuddles could make everything better so it must make you not feel sick anymore

•  Would end up getting sick too and you both would just laugh but feel your heads ache right after because you're both still sick

• He wouldn't mind getting sick with you because it would mean he could cuddle you more now that you're both sick and just need to stay in bed

• You both would eventually ask help from Heeseung and Jay to take care of you both since you both got sick and now theres no one to take care of the other and when his hyungs come you would both get scolded but they forgive you instantly because they're actually very concerned for the both of you

• When you both finally feel better, thanks to the help of the other boys, Jake would keep on bragging how he was right and that "I told you cuddles can make you better!"


•  He's probably gonna be stunned at first and you would have to walk him through on what to do but once he gets the hang of it he would keep on insisting that you don't worry about him anymore and just get your rest

•  When he forgets something he would hit up his hyungs and ask what to do and how else he can make you feel better and they would instantly help him because he's their little babie 

•  Would also keep asking you if you're okay and would probably constantly check your temperature until he sees that you fever has already gone down

•  Would stay up the whole night even if he really loves to sleep just to watch you and your temperature, he wouldn't even leave your side because you might wake up anytime and would go looking for him so he wants to be ready if you need anything

• Once you get better he would probably just sleep the whole day to recharge his body after staying up all night for you and you would let him because really deserves it and its now time for you to take care of him too



Again, thank you for everyone reading this book and wow 4.6k reads!!!! Thanks for supporting my delulu thoughts hahahahahaha

ANYWAYS we're getting our official fandom name today and im so excited and nervous at the same time ajksdalks it really is the end of eggie era :< 

Hope u are all doing well!!! Will be posting some requests soon waaah hope ur schoolwork isn't killing u as much as its killing me jaskdnlk JK but yes I hope u are all doing great <3

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