josh christopher - basketball fun

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y'all are obsessed with this man😭 i have gotten the most josh requests.

you and josh were playing basketball on the court together just having fun.
it was a game called 60 and it was simple, whoever gets 60 points first wins.

of course you were cheating on defense, grabbing him here and there.
not to mention you asking for kisses in between your shots to turn him on.

*swish* "so that's 27 for me and how many do you have?" josh says smugly.
"uh about 20"
"nahh cause how did you even make 20 points? that's impossible since we only shooting 3s"
"oh my gosh you're cheatinggg who made that ruleeee" you whine sitting on the court.

josh starts to laugh really hard.
"okay because it's not even that funny..."
"nah cause you was talking allll that smack and now here you are pouting"
"well what are you gonna do about it?" you say biting your lip.
"uh uh don't try to change the subject"
"but joshyyy...."
"no we have a game to finish"
"now stop with all that" he tries to say with a straight face but can't help but give into your charm.

he walks towards you and leans down giving you several kisses.
"come on baby i wanna beat you then we can get chick fila"
"wait wait one more kiss"
"girllll" he says laughing "fine one more"

after he helps you get up you steal the ball from him and dribble to the 3 point line.
"so that was your plan all along huh?"
"no i'm actually getting tired but the opportunity presented itself"
"tired of losing?" he says putting his hands on hips mocking you.
"you know what just for that i got you" as you say this you shoot the ball and it misses bouncing off the backboard and rolling to the opposite court.

"you missed it you get it" he says laughing at you.
"YoU MisSEd iT...." you say grumpily.

unfortunately you did not notice the 8 boys playing pick up until you got over there.
you wait until one of them notices you because you're too shy to interrupt (me fr).

"wassup ma you looking to join us?"
"uh actually my basketball is right by your friend's foot" you say pointing.
"shiddd i'll give it to you if you join us" the big toe looking boy says.
"actually i suck. really you should have seen me over there" you say motioning to josh who's not even paying attention he's on his phone and drinking water. ughhghghhhh

"oh wit him?" pointy head dude says.
"yea so can i get the ball back orrr"
"how bout you make one shot then you can go"
"why do y'all wanna see me shoot so bad?" damn these boys are crazyy.
"cause you cute and ya ass fat, why else?"
"yea we wanna see it jiggle"

some of the boys chime in agreeing with him. lowkey it was flattering cause ya ass not fat but hey🥴.
they give you the ball and you make a layup cause you CAN NOT shoot whatsoever.
"now was that so hard sexy" pointy head dude says again.

"BABY! come onnnn" josh says whining.
"daddy calls" you say to big toe and walk away.

"what took you so long?" he says wrapping his hands around your waist kissing you.
"those kids was bullying me" you say pouting
"bullying? they like 16 years old?"
"exactly and they wouldn't give me the ball unless i made a shot"
laughing he says, "wow you got pushed around by some kids"

"you better keep her and dat ass!!!"

both of you turn your heads and see the boys walking away towards a minivan.
"I KNOW, THANK YOU" josh says slapping your ass and smiling at you.
"heyyy you can't do that"
"you wasn't saying that two nights ago....smack my ass daddy....spank me....i've been so gonna punish me?"

all you can do it stare at him with your mouth wide open, "joshhh stoppp"
"nah baby i like it when you talk to me like that. matter fact, let's end the game early"
"uh uh you said you wanted to finish it so let's go" you say grabbing the ball.

he walks towards you and picks you up throwing you over his shoulder. "i said we bouta fuck so let's go".
"mmm okayyyy, don't have to tell me twice"

~~the end~~~

i feel like this is kinda bad so i'm sorry for that i will do better next time for u guys🙏🏽.

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