chapter thirty four

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CHRISTINA stood leaning on a tree nearby the demented's place. She's an angel, and Corbyn's girlfriend. The girl they're supposed to find, Gabbie- or her full name is Gabriela Gonzalez, is a witch. A sea witch to be exact.

The girl has the magical bond or power regarding the sea, the weather or other aspect of seafearing life. She also has the ability to heal pretty much anything, but with the help of the mermaids.

They can only heal if they willingly wanted to, if they all willingly wanted to.

"Hey," Corbyn greeted when they approached her. "Hi," she smiled, giving him a hug. "So, wanna show us where the girl is?" Zach asked and she nodded.

"Let's go," Christina said, gesturing for them to follow her.


They arrived at a beach quite further through the woods. "Where is she?" Jack asked. "There," Christina nodded towards the sea and there they saw her.

Her light brown curls were wet as she sat on a rock, her tail waving back and forth as the waves of the water hit her gently. She looked up, and saw the group.

She quickly transformed back into her human form and jumped off the rock. "What are you guys doing here?" she asked as she walked towards them.

"We need help," Jonah said to her. "It's a friend of ours- wait is she considered a friend?" Zach questioned but shrugged it off. "Anyways, she was hexed and now she's technically put to sleep. And apparently there's no cure," he explained.

"You have to help us. We can't afford to lose her, especially not her friends," Daniel said. Gabbie crossed her arms across her chest, considering it.

"You know it'll only work if you're willing," Corbyn added. "Boy of course I know that, it's my powers," Gabbie scoffed and the boy backed up, hands up in surrender.

"Bring her over tomorrow by dusk. We'll see what we can do," she shrugged. The boys all nodded. "See you soon Gabs," Christina said to her and they all made their way back to the Morales'.

"She wants us to bring Liv over by dusk," Jack told them. "They agreed?" Iris asked, standing up and they nodded. "How far away is it?" Erick asked.

"Well since some of you have wings, you can easily fly. Or maybe one of you witches can do a teleporting spell or something," Christina shrugged.

"Okay then, it's set," Erick said, looking at Iris who nodded.

───── ❝ 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞, 𝐚𝐝𝐢 ❞ ─────

this was so short i'm so sorry

will liv make it tho? 👀

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