"No, I'm okay." She smiled. Thats bullshit, why is she lying. She has a bloody gauze on her hand. I looked back at her face and it looked like she was thinking about something until she shook her head, and grabbed a piece of toast.

"I am very interested in what we're going over today in Herbology." She's trying to change the subject. What isn't she telling me. I looked over at George and we both shared the same look. Like a 'what the fuck is happening' look.

"You know what, I um... totally forgot my book for class. I'm just gonna run to my room, i'll see you guys in class." She was practically running out of the hall. She had her book in her hand, why is shy lying to me.

"She had her herbology book in her hand." Hermione said, I looked over at Julia to call her over, but when I looked her and the boys were watching Maeve run out. I called Julia over, "What just happened?" She asked

"We were hoping you'd know." George said, "Harry asked about her hand, and she acted like nothing happened. And then she just got up and left, saying she needed to get her Herbology book, even though she had it in her hand."

"Oh well maybe she didn't realize. She could be tired. She didn't sleep at all last night." She was looking at the door back at us again.

"Did she have a nightmare?" I asked, "she should have her potions, Snape gave her."

She looked confused by my accusation, "Um.. no? It was the pain. Like you guys saw her hand right?" She said, yeah I saw her hand, she said she was fine. She had a bandage on.

"She said she was fine." Harry scooted closer to George looking at both of Julia and I.

"Oh... um, no she's not." Julia furrowed her brow, " she was up all night sobbing from the pain. I was lucky that she eventually passed out from it." Julia looked at me, I felt like I couldn't breath, I knew I should of snuck out last night. "Wait did you guys really not see her hand fully? She came into the common room last night after her detention dripping blood.." She was looking at us, with a very concerned face. Dripping blood....

"She didn't say anything.." George said as he was looking at the entrance

"Yeah, Pomfrey didn't know what to do, she said she hasn't seen a blood quill do that much damage before. I guess you're not suppose to use it for longer than 2 hours without it causing pretty nasty damage." She looked up at Harry, "you saw her last night, what did she look like before you left."
I noticed Harry gulp, "she wouldn't look at me. When she came in last night she seemed fine, and she was smiling and winking at me. She also didn't seem afraid to talk back to Umbridge, but when I was done, I looked over at her and she had taken her hair down, to hide her face I guess. She wasn't acting like she was in that much pain, I noticed her fist was clench but that was it." Harry looked at me, "she looked up at me, she had some tears but she still winked at me so I figured she was fine. Fred if I knew I wouldn't of left her."
"I know, Harry." I got up, "Maybe we should go check on her, we can be late to class. Sprout loves Mae so I doubt she'll care we're late." George nodded and got up.

"I'll come with you guys, I can let you guys into the common room." Julia added, getting up with us. 

When we got out of the Great Hall, my eyes caught Professor Sprouts. She had Maeve in her arms, as they were walking towards Dumbledore's office. She was shaking and crying. Then I saw her hand, it looked like she had a huge gash on it, it was all black and blue and all bloody. I went to say something and walk up to them but Sprout sent me a look, she seemed pissed, so I stayed back. I wanted to sprint down that hall so badly, I really didn't want Maeve to be alone. George and Julia sat with me in the hall outside Dumbledore's staircase waiting for Maeve, we saw the statue spin so we knew someone was coming out. Snape and Sprout were walking down, both looking very gloom. I have never seem Snape show any type of emotion, besides anger. When he saw us he tried to hide it and walked off, but Sprout still had her sad look on her face, until she saw us and tried to put on a smile, "Okay you lot, let's go to class." We didn't follow. "She is going to be out of classes today, so you guys will be waiting out here all day. So let's go."

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