Chapter 3: Break up, Make up

Começar do início

I pull her aside in the locker rooms to speak to her.

"Jude, if you're not going to take dance seriously, then I'll get another dancer who's willing to learn the choreography properly."

She looks down and seems to be having an internal debate. Strange.


Cleo's telling me that I'm not taking dance seriously. But it's not because I'm not dedicated to dance. It's because I have dyslexia. I don't know my lefts and rights, which makes it really hard for me to learn choreo. I really do like Cleo's hip hop dance, but hip hop is especially hard for me. It's so many consecutive arm and leg movements and I just can't keep up. But I need to learn this dance. Nick and Emily trusted me to join b troupe. Maybe I should tell Cleo. I really like her no nonsense personality. I know that she'll help me and get the job done. Hopefully this goes well.

"Ihavedyslexia", I mumble.


"I. Have. Dyslexia. I can't learn combos really quickly and hip hop is really hard for me as I can't tell the difference between my lefts and rights. And Emily doesn't allow jewellery in the studio so I can't wear my bracelets which help me"


So Jude has dyslexia. I'm glad she decided to tell me. This way, I can actually help her and not reprimanding her for something she can't control.

"Okay. So, why don't you ask for help?"

She looks slightly offended

"I don't want to be treated like a disabled dancer or have special treatment. I just want to be a normal dancer for once."

"But you're not. You can ask for help you know. I can help"

"Are you sure? You won't tell anyone?"

"Not if I can help it. So, back to rehearsals. Are we going left are right?" I joke. She smiles and gives me a small shove as we walk back to studio one.


We're back in studio one, and after we finish the hip hop combo, Cleo and I agree that we can tell b troupe that I need some help with choreo. We don't outright say that I have dyslexia, but all of b troupe now knows about my difficulty learning choreo, and the more senior members like Winnie are willing to help me out. This is going way better than I hoped it would. I exchange glances with Cleo, and nod and smile at her. Cleo may seem rude to outsiders, but I know that she's only really determined, and she's got a nicer side to her.

As b troupe rehearsals continue while Cleo watches, I notice a person outside the studio. I think her name's Summer. She's the only a trouper who didn't make it back onto the team, which is too bad, cause I thought she was a great dancer. Maybe she'd like to join b troupe instead? I wave at her, inviting her into rehearsals.


I'm watching b troupe have a rehearsal in studio one. A troupe has the day off so that b troupe gets more studio space today. I miss being on a troupe, but I they're doing good without me. Henry and I are still together, though we aren't spending a lot of time together. I'm here at the studio to dance it out. I thought that studio one would be empty, as b troupe would take any chance to use studio A to rehearse instead. But b troupe seems to like studio one more. I watch as Cleo teaches the dancers a hip hop combo. They all seem to be having fun. I miss being a part of a troupe sometimes. I miss the family that we all were. As I'm watching, this new girl Jude seems to notice me. She waves, and tells me to come in.

"Hey! Summer, right?"

"Yeah. And you're Jude?"

"Yep. Sorry you didn't make a troupe. If it means anything, I thought your solo was amazing at auditions."

The Next Step: Season 7 RewriteOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora