4 years into the future

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Hey, it's the author, I decided to change Gabriel and Nathalie's daughter's name to Hannah, cause I like that name a lot more.

The sun was creeping it's way up into the morning sky as Adrien walked up the steps to the mansions doors, it's been a while since he's been here, he was jumping with joy to see his family again, he finally got a break from college and took that time to see his father, his mom, and of course his little sister. He put his key in the hole and turned it, earning a creak from the door as it slowly opened, his black boots clicked against the marble floors. Adrien was wearing black jeans, a white shirt, and a red plaid jacket. He made his way upstairs and into the hallway, until he stopped in front of a plain white door with butterfly stickers all over it. 

He turned the knob and peeked inside, a little girl was asleep in her small white bed that had blue blankets covering her, she was holding a peacock plushie tightly in her hands, her black shoulder length hair was spread across her pillow, whenever he saw her hair it would make him remember the time his dad was excited when he saw the newborn thinking it looked like him, when she actually ended up growing up to look like her mother, that thought always made him giggle. He walked over to the little girl and placed his hand on her shoulder and gently shook her.

The little one groaned, her eyes slowly opened, "Hannah, it's me, Adrien", Adrien whispered, Hannah's eyes shot open and she sprung into Adrien's arms, "Bubba!!", Hannah yelled, Adrien stood up with the little moon child in his arms as he returned her embrace, "I missed youuuuu", Hannah said. Adrien adjusted Hannah to where they made eye contact, "I missed you too", Adrien said placing a kiss on her forehead, her pearl grey eyes shimmered in the sun's rays so did his. "Marinette made something for you", Adrien said, he reached into his jacket and pulled out two dolls, a Hawkmoth one and a Mayura one. She gasped, "Mommy and Daddy!", Hannah yelled with joy, she took the two dolls into her arms and hugged them tightly, "Now you're super hero doll collection is complete", Adrien said, he placed Hannah down and watched her run to her shelf, she placed the two dolls next to the others. "Where's Plagg?", Hannah asked, Adrien lifted his jacket and the small kwami flew out, "Plagg!", Hannah yelled taking the kwami in her hands, "Hey kid", Plagg said. Hannah put the kwami in Adrien's hands, "Let's go surprise Mommy and Daddy", Hannah said taking Adrien's finger and pulling him out of the room.

When they arrived in Gabriel and Nathalie's bedroom they admired the two cuddled up to each other, Hannah ran over and climbed onto their bed, she giggled as she pounced onto Gabriel's stomach, waking him up instantly, "AGH!", Gabriel screamed, Nathalie's eyes opened. "Hannah, what was that for?", Gabriel asked sitting up and rubbing the sore spot on his belly, She grabbed the two's glasses and gave them to them. "look over there", Hannah said pointing at the door way, they turned their heads to the area and gasped, "ADRIEN!", Nathalie yelled jumping out of bed and running towards him, Gabriel followed. "Hey mom, hey dad", Adrien said hugging them both, "We missed you", Gabriel said, Adrien giggled, "I missed you both too", Adrien said. Gabriel stopped and stared at Adrien's ear, "What? oh my piercings?", Adrien asked, "Yes, wh-where did you get them?", Gabriel asked, "oh um Luka put them in, as a gift", Adrien said. "Ohhhh Luka did them", Gabriel said with smirk, Adrien's face went bright red, "Daaaaad, w-were not dating, were just-", "Friends, I know, you always say that", Gabriel finished. 

"Well, Hannah, go get ready for breakfast", Gabriel said, Hannah nodded and skipped out of the room, Adrien followed her. Gabriel shut the door, "he looks so grown", Nathalie said, "Yup, I remember when he was just a little boy", Gabriel agreed, Nathalie put on a beige sweater and blue pants, she walked over to the mirror and looked at herself. Gabriel walked over and put his arms around her waist and began kissing her neck, "Gabriel, not now, you still have to get ready", Nathalie said gently pushing him away, "Aww but you're neck taste's so good", Gabriel whined, "later Gabriel, later", Nathalie said. Gabriel walked over to his wardrobe and changed into a black turtleneck and matching sweat pants, "Do I look fabulous my dear?", Gabriel asked doing a little pose, Nathalie giggled, "Yes, you do My Gabriel", Nathalie said tapping his nose. 

When Gabriel and Nathalie walked into the dining room, Hannah and Adrien were already seated, they were talking and laughing. "Aww don't you two just look adorable", Adrien teased, Nathalie blushed, Gabriel smiled and looked at Nathalie, "yes we do, right dear?", Gabriel said leaning in to kiss her, he felt his lips touch something but it wasn't his Nathalie's lips, it was her hand. "Don't you want to kiss me my dear?", Gabriel asked, "yes but not when you have nasty morning breath", Nathalie said, Hannah and Adrien erupt into laughter, Gabriel's mouth falls open, Nathalie took her hand and pushed Gabriel's jaw back up, "I just said you had bad morning breath, don't leave you're mouth open if you don't want anyone else to smell it", Nathalie teased. That makes Adrien and Hannah laugh even harder, Gabriel sits down in his chair defeated, Nathalie sat next to him.

The rest of breakfast everyone talked, Adrien mostly talked about his friends, about how Marinette's fashion website is getting very popular, or how Alya's ladyblog has blown up, or how kitty section has a bigger audience. "Oh, Luka has been teaching me how to play the guitar, we just do that for fun", Adrien said, "You're boyfriend?", Hannah asked, Adrien's face turned red, "He's not my boyfriend", Adrien said. Gabriel, Nathalie, and Hannah start laughing, "W-well, um So Hannah, isn't you're birthday coming up? have you thought of what you wanted?", Adrien asked, "yup, I thought long and hard about this one", Hannah said, she did a long sigh for dramatic effect, definitely got that from her father, "I want...A SIBLING!", Hannah yelled, making Nathalie choke on her coffee and Gabriel inhale the piece of toast that was in his mouth. Adrien smirked, "Yeah, Mom and Dad, I bet you can make that happen, Righttttt?", Adrien asked, the couple's face's turned bright red. "Uh I uh, I don't know", Nathalie said, Nathalie felt something on her thigh, she looked down and saw Gabriel's hand, "uh, Gabriel, w-what are you doing?", Nathalie asked, "I don't know my hand just moved there, I didn't do that", Gabriel said looking away playfully. 

This next paragraph get's quite spicyyyy so just a warning

Later in the day, Adrien and Hannah were playing in her room with the kwami's while Nathalie and Gabriel were in their room, "So, about Hannah's birthday gift", Gabriel said scooting closer to Nathalie, she felt a blush creeping up onto her cheeks, "I-Gabriel, a baby takes 9 months to grow, Hannah's birthday is in four months", Nathalie said, "I know, but might as well already get it started, right?", Gabriel asked, placing his face against her neck. "If you wish of course", Gabriel added, to make sure he wasn't forcing it, She smiled, "I mean, we haven't done it in a while", Nathalie said putting her hand up his shirt, he smirked. He placed his lips on her's, they were soft, he just couldn't resist, he got over top of her and began kissing all around, going lower every time, she let out a little moan as he got to her collar bone, he put his hands up her shirt and found them going up to her breasts. "You're so...Beautiful my dear", Gabriel whispered, Nathalie immediately found herself getting wet, him whispering in his deep voice was her weakness, "I'm all you'res Agreste", Nathalie whispered back. He lifted her shirt and placed his lips against her breasts, "mm", Nathalie moaned, "oh my Nathalie", Gabriel said, Nathalie traced her hand down his belly and into his pants, she gripped his hard cock and rubbed up and down on it. "Oh~", Gabriel moaned. He couldn't take it, he was so hungry for her V he ripped her pants and underwear off, her hand slipped out of his pants as he slid down, he pressed his tongue against her clit, "Oh Gabriel r-right th-there~", Nathalie moaned grabbing his hair, he sucked on it as hard as he could, satisfying his and Nathalie's needs. "Put i-it in m-me", Nathalie demanded, Gabriel pulled down the rest of his clothes, obeying Nathalie's command, he slowly put in his cock, "Oh YES!", Nathalie screamed, every thrust felt like heaven to Nathalie.

Adrien and Hannah sat quietly in her room, taking in the thing they just heard, "Bubba, Why is mommy screaming?", Hannah asked, "Uh w-well, Mommy and Daddy are playing a fun game and it seems l-like mommy is winning", Adrien lied, "Ooo I wanna play too", Hannah said jumping up, "NO! how about we just watch some T.V instead?", Adrien asked, Hannah nodded and sat next to him. The news came on first, "reporting news, the criminal Ace Averell has escaped prison with an unknown woman using what seems to be an owl miraculous", Nadja said, Adrien's eyes widened, all the memories of Ace flooded back into his mind, how he manipulated Him and his family, how he stole the peacock miraculous, how he tried to take Nathalie away from them, now he's escaped.

Hope you liked this bonus chapter, goodbye ↖(^ω^)↗   

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