Chapter Twenty Six

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I was un-packing my boxes since mum ended up buying me an apartment in London until I knew what I wanted to do. Luckily mum ended up leaving dad for good and she was rich enough thanks to her company to live on her own; Zac was still trying to call me but I didn’t want anything to do with him. I was unpacking one of the boxes that Michael left for me; the bottom of the box was a wooden box. I picked it up putting it down on the floor opening it seeing many letters and that’s when I remembered in the wedding video Michael gave me a wooden box filled with his thoughts throughout our relationship, they were basically in order. I opened the first one

Haley; she was basically the girl I’ve been waiting my whole life for, I mean I would think I would meet the one when I’m twenty seven or maybe even thirty but once I saw Haley I knew she was the one; the one I saw in my future getting married too and having kids with it sounds crazy now but when you meet the one you start thinking crazy and hoping this time your right about meeting the one. I’m falling for her every day and hoping I get that chance to kiss her.


I went through so many letters that Michael wrote making me tear up every time and each time something strange was happening; I kept remembering moments but the person I was with was a blur not knowing who he was. I came to the last ten that were dated when I woke up and forgot.

She woke up today and I was happy seeing her alive and healthy but one problem she forgot who I was; that was the most heartbreaking moments I’ve ever experience seeing the girl I fell in love with not knowing who I was. Then the nurse telling me I was going to be a father but she ended up losing the baby. I don’t know what I’m going to do I just don’t want to give up and let her down.

The letters got worse date by date making me try up when I finally got to the last letter.

Dear Haley

I’m sorry.

I’m sorry I let you down.

I’m sorry that I didn’t stay.

I’m sorry that I didn’t try hard enough to keep you in my life.

I’m just sorry.

If I had one wish it would be so you could remember me and all the times we spent together and the magical night we had that we called our wedding night.

I wish you could remember me Haley.

Please Remember Me.

Michael xo

I dropped my letter seeing those finally words and it repeating through my head; then it hit me all the moments I was remembering were with Michael; Michael was the guy I was in love with and I wanted to spend my life with and I remembered him and all of our friends everything I forgot I remembered and I knew losing Michael was a big mistake and I knew what I wanted to do. I grabbed my phone dialling a number hoping this person would answer.

“Hello” they said

“Paige, it’s me”


The next couple of days I was locked away in my room playing video games or watching a movie or watching a chick flick that were Haley’s favourite movies and they always made me tear up; I wanted her back but I gave up. I heard a knock on the door switching the movie off and said

“Go away”

“Michael open the door now; it’s Luke” Luke said banging on the door

“I know it’s you shit head; we’ve been friends for I don’t know how long” I said back

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