Chapter Nine

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It was a week later and Haley and Michael were on the plane about to land in London. Michael was asleep well Haley was looking out the window seeing the view of London she didn’t want Michael to miss out on the beautiful view; so she grabbed her pillow hitting him with it.

“Michael wake up and look” she said; Michael rubbed his eyes sitting up looking out the window seeing London he looked at Haley giving her a kiss on the cheek saying

“Welcome to your new home”


The house was cute and perfect for the both of them; Haley noticed a dance studio down the road from them seeing if she could get a job there. Haley walked into the house sitting down on the floor leaving Michael confused so he sat down with her.

“What are you doing”? he asked

“Just taking it all in; I do it whenever I move” Michael laughed standing up helping Haley up as well; he pulled her close wrapping his arms around her giving her a kiss on the head

“You’re so cute” he told her


Later in the day Michael and Haley were putting the walls enjoying themselves and having paint fights with each other, they spend their first night sleeping on the mattress to let the pain dry then the next day they started unpacking everything putting picture frames up on the walls until finally they finished the house by four in the afternoon. Michael and Haley were both leaning against the walls with Haley’s head resting on Michael’s shoulder.

“We are finally done” Haley said

“Yep it took all day but it was fun; team work” Michael said giving Haley a high five. This was their new home that they planned to stay in for a while.


I pulled up the drive way to the house that held lots of memory, Haley got out walking beside me to the front door. I grabbed the keys out of my pocket opening the door letting Haley go in first.

“Welcome home” I said shutting the door behind me; Haley looked around dropping her bag looking at pictures. I noticed Haley tearing up a bit

“Haley, are you alright”? Haley asked

“Yeah it’s just I wish I could remember this and remember you because it seemed we had amazing years together”

“Yeah we sure did” I said smiling to myself

“How long have we been together”? She asked turning around holding the picture frame of us from our wedding day.

“Almost six years”

“Six years and how long have we been married”?

“Well next week it will be a month on Friday”

“Oh” she said putting the photo down “If we dated to six years why did it take so long for us to get married”?

“Well getting married wasn’t really a big deal to us; I mean I did purpose to you and we were engaged for a year and you said there was no rush to get married”

“So what is it that you do exactly Michael”? She asked still looking around the lounge room

“I’m a music producer” 

“Oh that’s amazing so can you tell me about our friends”? She said sitting on the sofa; I smiled sitting down opposite to her.

“Okay well you’re best friend is Paige who is married to my best mate Ashton and they have a son; Luke is dating Naomi who you became friends with in Australia and basically set them up after I got jealous thinking you were going to leave me for him and Calum is dating as well but it’s surprising because he used to be like a Barney from How I met your mother now his changing thanks to Brooke which is good”

“Well do I get to meet them soon”?

“Sure of course I just don’t want it to be too much”

“Well thanks for caring but I’ll be fine you should invite them over before they leave to go back to Australia”

“Sure” I said smiling

“Sweet, well listen I know it’s only four in the morning but I’m pretty sleepy” she said getting up “So where can I sleep”

“You can sleep in our bedroom and I’ll sleep in the guest room, I don’t mind”

“Okay thanks” she said “But where’s the bedroom”?

“Down the hall second door to the left”

“Thank you Michael you’re a great guy” Haley said smiling at me, I nodded while she stood there for a while. “Right goodnight” she said walking down the hall. 

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