Chapter Twenty Four

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Mum and I decided to go back to London and borrow dad’s private jet to bring back everything I needed. I opened the door to what was my home with Michael but now it’s just a house full of memories I don’t remember. I saw all the boxes already packed with my name on it and I opened boxes seeing photo albums but there was one that got my attention and that was the wedding one. Mum sat next to me looking through it.

“Honey you looked so beautiful that day, I’m so glad I was there I haven’t seen you that happy”

“Michael said you didn’t come” I said

“Well your dad didn’t but I did come but I didn’t come see you because I thought you didn’t want to talk to me; honey the way you looked at Michael on that day was magical and everyone knew you two were in love” she said putting the piece of hair behind my ear and I started to tear up again.

“Mum I’ve fucked up; I had a great relationship with Michael and I have to ruin it and I miss him and maybe I do love him”

“Oh honey” Mum said wrapping her arms around me while I cried into his chest. I fucked up and Michael wasn’t coming back into my life.

 - - -

Once I got back home I sat down in my room putting all the photo albums on the floor and looked through them; this was just time to figure out everything on my own without having mum or dad with me or even Michael I wanted to figure everything out on my own and hopefully that will work. I went through one album that was just filled with the girls and me. There was one photo that I came across with me and Paige laughing together having fun at a party; I remember that day Paige dragged me to one of Ashton’s parties and it turned out we both had a great time and when someone sent us this photo we both loved it.


I just remembered something that included Paige who I didn’t know at first; was my memory coming back? Then it hit me Paige was my best friend in college who was bubbly and loud and loved life she was also my first friend in college and she’s married to Ashton. I had to call Paige even though it was night time there but I didn’t know what time it was in Australia but I called anyway. I grabbed my phone seeing Paige’s number. I dialled it hoping she would answer and she finally did.

“Hello Haley” she said sounding nervous

“Paige I know this sounds crazy but I remember you” I said finally

“You do”

“Yes your Paige Irwin use to be Paige Wilson; your birthday is on October Twenty Sixth and I remember that you had a child with Ashton and asked me to be the godmother of your child and that made me happy; Paige you were always there for me and we had rocky moments in our friendships but that’s’ fine because your my best friend” I said; I heard crying on the other end

“I’m so happy that you remember me, do you remember anyone else”? She asked

“No I don’t; at the moment it’s just you but that helps that I’m starting to remember” I said

“That’s great”

“Paige since you’re my best friend it would be really great if you’re honest with me and tell me why I left Zac and my family” I said

“You really want to know”? She asked

“Yes please just tell me because Michael wouldn’t tell me and I just need to know if I’m making the right choice at the moment”

“I understand Haley, I’ll tell you what happen” she said

“Thank you”

 - - -

After getting off the phone to Paige I was shocked finding out what happened between me and Zac and then me and the family? I walked down stairs slowly hearing dad’s voice with mum and hearing laughter. I walked into the living room seeing Matthew and Julia sitting down while mum and dad were as well.

“Honey, what’s wrong”? I heard mum ask

“Dad’s a cheater” I said quietly looking down at the ground

“Excuse me” mum said

“Dad’s a cheater and a liar; that’s why I left wasn’t it because dad had a fucking affair with another women because you weren’t good enough and I’ve been told that you’ve been controlling my life dad well guess what you can take your stupid acceptance letter because I’m not staying in Liverpool; I’m going back to the guy that loves me for me and you can’t stop me” I said

“Haley don’t do this again” Dad said

“Don’t ever talk to me again; I’m done with you dad” I said walking out.

 - - -

I walked into Zac’s office opening the door not caring that I was being stopped; I opened the door seeing him with another women with her shirt open and him with no shirt on.

“Shit Haley” he said

“Michael was right; you are no good for me” I said shutting the door behind me walking out but before I got to the elevator; Zac grabbed my hand and I turned around slapping him in the face.

“You are a complete asshole; Paige told me everything about you Zac from when you decided to control my life to cheating on me with my best friend Quinn right after you asked me to marry you; I hope one day karma gets you because karma is a bitch” I turned on my heel walking off and hearing people clap behind me; it was time for a fresh start and that was to figure out who I was before I made up with Michael. 

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