“Awwww, I love you too Madi!” Natalie blushes, hugging me. I kinda just stand there, letting her hug me, she knows I don’t liked to be hugged. “Thats it…”

“THATS IT! NO THERE HAS TO BE MORE!” She shouted, suddenly getting upset. “Oh are you mad?” She shakes her head, “I’m not mad! I’m frustrated.”

“Basically the same thing..” I tell her, making her roll her eyes. “Just tell about you and Lachlan.”

“Well, first things first. You need to know how I met him. Actually, everybody.”

March 7th 2006

I was putting my things in my locker, when a boy slams it. “Hey!”

 “Hey,” The boy says like I was greeting him. “Madison is it?”


“What was that?” He asks, acting like a huge asshole. “Madi, my name is Madi.”

He smiles at me. “Well, I’m Lachlan, and as unpleasant as this is.. My buddy likes you so, you and him are going to go on a date?” Trust me.. I think it is way more unpleasant than you think. “Depends on who is asking.”

“I’ll show you.” He takes my hands, I rip it away, “Feisty! I like that.”

He brings me outside and I start to think I am about to get raped by this Lachlan guy, but then some boys come into view, two sitting on a car and one standing straight up, chewing something. “Here they are. Guys! This is Madi. Madi this is Preston, Jerome and-” he points to the boy with brown hair and brown eyes, “-Thats Mitch, the guy you’ll be going on a date with.”

“Its a little lame that your friend asked me out for you, isn’t it?” The guys laugh that their friend, Mitch, had gotten burned by me, Madi. “Maybe a little.”

Present Day

“So, thats how it happened? I thought I’d be a little more, how do I put this, magical. Now I’m worried! What happens next? Oh no-” I interrupt her, “-I guess I will be getting right to that then?” 

“Yes please.”

I was nervous, my stomach turned. "It started at a party. Everyone was all drunk, except me."

2011 September 22nd

Lachlan walks up to me, swaying slightly before he steadied himself. The music was so loud I could barely hear what he said. I am pretty sure it was something like, "There you are Lacey!"

"No!" I shout over the music, "It's Madi!" He raises his eyebrow then shrugs, "Oh well."

As we continue to kiss he picks me up in his arms. By now I am quite disgusted, but he keeps kissing me. Then my mind was just more, more more. I mean, it couldn't hurt. Lachlan is a really good kisser.

"Cool" I reply with a smile, kissing him before there could be any other words exchanged.

I start to unbutton his white button-up shirt, but fail.  "Madi." He places a hand on my chin, making me look up at him.

Our lips meet and don't seem to disconnect while he carries me into a bedroom. He pushes me onto the bed, taking his place on top of me as I try to unbutton his shirt again, but he is to drunk to notice me struggling. Once I do, he stops, and lays next to me, breathing heavily. "Oh god, Madi, I'm dead."

Present Day

"EW GROSS!" Natalie shouts, covering her eyes like it was going down right in front of her. "PLEASE CONTINUE!"

"Well, I told him about it the next day and all he said was 'friends with benefits relationship then, cool.'" Natalie laughed, I continued. "I was taken aback... He was a good kisser so, I didn' really mind being his bitch for a little while."

"'Little bitch,' thats a little harsh." I shrug, "Well it was true. He was using me for his own selfish reasons, to pleasure him when noone else would. Anyways, lets get back to the boys."

(Natalie's Pov)

I was a little disgusted that Madi and Lachlan were like... Together but not together because they hated each other, but liked each others company and, apartently, their kissing styles.

We walk back to the boys who smile at the sight of us, and immediately stop talking about what exactly they were talking about. Lachlan stands up and hugs me, "Don't think about it too much. It was nothing."

Do my ears decieve me? How does he even know what we were talking about? Does my forehead have permenant marker written across it saying "I know about the friends with benefits relationship you had with Madi."

Everything inside of me seems to fall when I am reminded that I rejected his offer to go to the University wih him. I want to so badly to go with him and to be with him forever, and ever 'till my dying day. Now all I can think about is how little time left I have with him.

1 Month

28 days

13 days

1 day.

(Authors Notes)

You said you wanted make out sessions... Heh I had that in my mind for days. You're right, it's probably best we don't know why Madi wrote the note. But don't think about that! Think about the cute way Madi met the guy!

So, if you couldn't tell by the ending, the next chapter will be the last chapter of them like together as a group. Its going to be awesome. Also a new character is coming soon!

Let me know what you thought about the chapter and how you think this book will end and/or how you want it to end.


Sincerely - LachlanWhere stories live. Discover now